[Idea] Infection Survival


I recently played on a 'Zombie Server' which i quite enjoyed - I've always played on a roleplay server and never thought that I'd be interested in SA-MP zombies.

Anyway, all the 'Zombie Servers' i played in are mostly a little bit of roleplay and deathmatch all zombies.

I do like to kill zombies but the gamemode type doesn't have any real goals; its just survive by killing zombies.

My idea come to me after watching 28 weeks later and then reading a post about DayZ.

Having a 'Infection' based server where players are confronted with the infection and (lets called them) walkers.
Players won't only have to survive against the infection by scavenging for resources but having to fight off the walkers and other players.

The movie, 28 weeks later, is based around the time where people are attempting to fix the infection. Unfortunately, the infection gets into the safe zone and the army is forced to kill all civilians in the area (if you haven't seen the film, its great, go watch it).

I havent come across a server which allows players to fight back against the infection.

The idea of being able to combat the infection, building safe zones and having to scavenge for resources to stay alive is definitely a server which i would want to play on.

I'd also have things in mind such as gas masks (used to prevent catching the infection), decontamination chamber (used to get into safe zones, less chance of bring the infection into the safe area), inventory slots (head, torso, legs etc) and so on.

Everything in the server except pre-build areas would be created by the player. Players would have to find resources to build walls, furniture, decontamination chamber, weapons, cookers etc.

It won't be as simple as: Find food -> /eat
Rather as: Find food -> Beans -> Eat | Find food -> Meat -> Create Fire (or cooker) -> Cook food -> Eat | Find weapon parts -> crafting table -> build using correct parts etc...

If you have played DayZ you'd probably already seen a connection with the food^

If i did create this script it would be from scratch, mysql to interact with the website etc.

The main reason i am posting this here is because i want your opinion on this idea; would you play on a server like this?; what would you want in a server like this?; how would you play in a server like this (independent? in a group?)?

One thing that is a big disadvantage to having this gamemode on SA-MP is NPCs. I'd love to use NPC's as walkers instead of having players as walkers.
I was playing about with RNPC this morning which turned out pretty good but it just wasn't that reliable.

Feedback would be really nice .

Actually, trying to work on something like this....xD<<

Originally Posted by jamiesage123
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I do like to kill zombies but the gamemode type doesn't have any real goals;
Just like rp... walking around doing nothing, get a job and quit few minutes later... Btw, zombie gamemode does have it goals, "its just survive by killing zombies". And I have the same idea as yours. But it's not Dayz, it's Resident Evil 4.

I'd like to see a server like Zombie Hell part on MTA on SA-MP It'd be freakin great just non rp

Originally Posted by Brucie_Saintz
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Actually, trying to work on something like this....xD<<

Originally Posted by newbienoob
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Just like rp... walking around doing nothing, get a job and quit few minutes later... Btw, zombie gamemode does have it goals, "its just survive by killing zombies". And I have the same idea as yours. But it's not Dayz, it's Resident Evil 4.
In roleplay the player has to make their goals (thats if you enjoy roleplay). And yeah, i probably contradicted myself there; there are goals in zombie servers but its purely deathmatching (in my opinion).

Originally Posted by Kitten
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I'd like to see a server like Zombie Hell part on MTA on SA-MP It'd be freakin great just non rp
Haha yeah.
Unfortunately, I dont see a gamemode like i described above working without roleplay aspects but then again, thats just my opinion.

I appreciate all your replies

Its a pretty good idea, if you need help with mapping, I can help you. About the NPCs, I don`t know exactly if there is any NPC Streamer right now but, anyway, you will need a lot of functions like, making the zombies to take damage, wear guns, be smart and follow the closest target and, there`s a a main reason why you can`t use NPCs: If you make a NPC follow a player, if the player gets into the village/safe zone, the NPC will fly over the fences and this will make the safe zones useless if you don`t find a way to stop them from doing that.

Please tell me more about the project, it looks interesting. Best regards,

A friend of me is launching a DayZ server. Maybe the same you mentioned.

There you fight NPC zombies, gather supplies in order to survive and protect yourself against bandits or become one!

Originally Posted by Spookie98
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Its a pretty good idea, if you need help with mapping, I can help you. About the NPCs, I don`t know exactly if there is any NPC Streamer right now but, anyway, you will need a lot of functions like, making the zombies to take damage, wear guns, be smart and follow the closest target and, there`s a a main reason why you can`t use NPCs: If you make a NPC follow a player, if the player gets into the village/safe zone, the NPC will fly over the fences and this will make the safe zones useless if you don`t find a way to stop them from doing that.

Please tell me more about the project, it looks interesting. Best regards,
Thanks for your feedback. Once i get a lot of the script done i'll be creating town/city. Most people know GTA SA from the back of their hands and find it really easy to navigate.
I'll be coming up with a few sketches with what I'd like it to be like once its finished.

And i did notice with NPCs that they will literally follow you through walls etc
Before i even start making the script i want to have working, to a reasonable standard, 'Walkers' who actually act like the undead.

I'll keep this topic up to date with what I am doing if you want to follow along (will also be asking for helpers some time down the line too :3).

And again, thanks for your feedback.

Originally Posted by tomboeg
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A friend of me is launching a DayZ server. Maybe the same you mentioned.

There you fight NPC zombies, gather supplies in order to survive and protect yourself against bandits or become one!
Sounds great. Will sure come and have a look.

I will be attempting not to directly copy from a game/movie but use aspects and bring them all together.

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