I can't connect to any server.


This is annoying. I haven't got this in my entire SA-MP career. I can't play on servers anymore, just 2-3 of all of them in my favourites ( 20 ) ... Yes, IP is perfectly correct, it will just say retrieving info to whatever server I add or try to play, whats going on?

Have you the correct SAMP Version, what the Servers where you cant connect have?

I have 0.3e. I tried with the 0.3x and nothing. I just want to play on some server , I really want to , but this is annoying.... What do I do ?

completely re install your sa:mp and download 3.e

I have uninstalled and re-installed a lot ... why just me?
I just got a new internet provider and new router, is it because of that?

Originally Posted by hydravink
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I just got a new internet provider and new router, is it because of that?
Cant be, because you can just go on to the internet.

Btw, what do you see if you go to any server ? Make a printscreen and upload it to imgur.com
Then i can help you a little bit more, so maybe i can think of a solution.

I just get Can't connect to server, of course

He means, what happens when you attempt to connect?

Just nothing, or your game freezes.

Try to run SAMP as an administrator, that should work.

Nothing, game keeps telling me Can't reach server or The server didn't respond whatever it's called, I tried that too, didn't work.. Again, since I have this new router I can't play on many server but I don't get how is that related? Please help, thanks!

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