Looking for gang roleplayers


The reason for me posting this here instead of the server advertisement section is due to the fact this isn't just a thread about "hi im hav server were best plz come" but a thread where I'd like to request the help of some people.

As some might know me and a team of players with me are currently working on a roleplay community, I won't release exact information here as I don't want to advertise too much, but on our website you can find more.

Now the thing is that we want to set up things before going online. On that way we already got a good chief of the Los Santos Police Department, a good administration team and two upcoming mafias.

However, we are still in need of streetgangs and after talking to people it appeared that we do not have a lot of players in the community interested in streetgang roleplay. Therefor I'd like to approach those players that love gang roleplay troughout the SA:MP forums.

What we can offer you:
- A familyslot on our community, means you can invite, remove and assign ranks to members ingame.
- Full support from the admin team, means we listen to your ideas and feedback.
- In general a great community where everyone can feel home
- A place for you and your friends to play together in a gang you like

What we expect from you:
- Being able to roleplay with a good sense of realism(if you expect moonhigh refunds with free weapons and your idea of gang RP is to drive around in sportcars all day you should close this thread)
- Time, dedication and effort to be on the server and lead the gang
- To meet our requirements of having an official gangslot you need to bring at least two other players with you that will join your gang.

if you are interested or you have any question, send me a PM on the forums or take a look at our community's forums as shown in my signature.

Best regards,

Leaving open, but moving to Everything and Nothing forum.

Leaving open _only_ because you put so much effort into not advertising, and wrote something that doesn't look like someone attacked my screen with a shotgun full of words. Thank you.

I can roleplay. Hit me up.

Originally Posted by JonesMTG
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I can roleplay. Hit me up.
I'll send you a PM.

Okey i could be too, but only if its not NG edit xD or SA:RP

Please send me PM's with requests and offers.


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