Y U No clear chat ?

Hai guys (almost changed u to a)
I have a simple idea for SA:MP, clearing the chat when its being closed (Esc button) or just setting its value to "" (nothing) so people wouldnt show their rcon by some mistake (sometimes i was 100% sure that chat is empty, and on chat it showed /rcon login PW)
In vb.net it would be like:
'This code happens on chat close (esc) THIS IS JUST A COMMENT
ChatBox.Text = "" 'Chat is cleared, its value is set to like..nothing
Of course this cant be probably used in SA:MP because the code up is VB.NET and if im correct then SA:MP is made in C++ , but im pretty sure its easy to convert.ChatBox.Text means that it changes "Text" value in ChatBox (Textbox)
I think its not so hard coding, and you could add this idea.

I don't really like this idea and I doubt a lot of others will either. If you're in the middle of typing something, somebody suddenly comes up to you and starts shooting, you can press ESC to close the chat input box before sending the message, kill the player, then re-open it and continue typing. I'd be annoyed if I had to start typing the whole sentence again when I re-opened it.

Originally Posted by Jay_
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I don't really like this idea and I doubt a lot of others will either. If you're in the middle of typing something, somebody suddenly comes up to you and starts shooting, you can press ESC to close the chat input box before sending the message, kill the player, then re-open it and continue typing. I'd be annoyed if I had to start typing the whole sentence again when I re-opened it.
Your right, eh I doubt it's not useful at all, many people are going to abuse it.

Originally Posted by network
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Hai guys (almost changed u to a)
I have a simple idea for SA:MP, clearing the chat when its being closed (Esc button) or just setting its value to "" (nothing) so people wouldnt show their rcon by some mistake (sometimes i was 100% sure that chat is empty, and on chat it showed /rcon login PW)
In vb.net it would be like:
'This code happens on chat close (esc) THIS IS JUST A COMMENT
ChatBox.Text = "" 'Chat is cleared, its value is set to like..nothing
Of course this cant be probably used in SA:MP because the code up is VB.NET and if im correct then SA:MP is made in C++ , but im pretty sure its easy to convert.ChatBox.Text means that it changes "Text" value in ChatBox (Textbox)
I think its not so hard coding, and you could add this idea.
Use /clearchat ingame, script it. No one wants a shit like that.

Originally Posted by TreyTrey
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What are you trying to say?
inshort, if anyone press ESC, his chat will be deleted.

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