Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction"

I have some warnings in server console. The server doesn't close after that, but i noticed that this happense when player spawns car. Here is a part of server log:
[16:29:33] *-_-* "agverte"(id: 4) typed "/v 555"
[16:30:09] [debug] Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction"
[16:30:09] [debug]  Unknown opcode 0x7800 at address 0xFFFFFFFF
[16:30:09] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[16:30:09] [debug] #0 ???????? in ?? () from UFFtest.amx
[16:30:09] [debug] Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction"
[16:30:09] [debug]  Unknown opcode 0x7800 at address 0xFFFFFFFF
[16:30:09] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[16:30:09] [debug] #0 ???????? in ?? () from UFFtest.amx
[16:30:09] [debug] Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction"
[16:30:09] [debug]  Unknown opcode 0x7800 at address 0xFFFFFFFF
[16:30:09] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[16:30:09] [debug] #0 ???????? in ?? () from UFFtest.amx
[16:30:16] [debug] Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction"
[16:30:16] [debug]  Unknown opcode 0x7800 at address 0xFFFFFFFF
[16:30:16] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[16:30:16] [debug] #0 ???????? in ?? () from UFFtest.amx
[16:30:16] [debug] Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction"
[16:30:16] [debug]  Unknown opcode 0x7800 at address 0xFFFFFFFF
[16:30:16] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[16:30:16] [debug] #0 ???????? in ?? () from UFFtest.amx
[16:30:44] [debug] Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction"
[16:30:44] [debug]  Unknown opcode 0x7800 at address 0xFFFFFFFF
[16:30:44] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[16:30:44] [debug] #0 ???????? in ?? () from UFFtest.amx
[16:30:56] [debug] Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction"
[16:30:56] [debug]  Unknown opcode 0x7800 at address 0xFFFFFFFF
[16:30:56] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[16:30:56] [debug] #0 ???????? in ?? () from UFFtest.amx
[16:30:56] [debug] Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction"
[16:30:56] [debug]  Unknown opcode 0x7800 at address 0xFFFFFFFF
[16:30:56] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[16:30:56] [debug] #0 ???????? in ?? () from UFFtest.amx
[16:30:56] [debug] Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction"
[16:30:56] [debug]  Unknown opcode 0x7800 at address 0xFFFFFFFF
[16:30:56] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[16:30:56] [debug] #0 ???????? in ?? () from UFFtest.amx
[16:31:05] * [EXIT][Time: 16:31][Date: 21,1]: agverte has left the server. *
[16:31:05] [part] agverte has left the server (4:1)


please help me anyone

Give the code from the command with was the player spawn the car.

pawn Код:
if (strcmp("/v", cmd, true, 10) == 0)
                new tmp[512];
                tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
                if(strlen(tmp) == 0)
                            if(GetPlayerInterior(playerid) > 1) return GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~You can't spawn cars in interior!", 5000, 5);
                            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOGID+10, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Vehicles", "{ffff00}Categories\n{ffcc00}Preview mode {00ff00}NEW!", "..::Ok::..", "..::Return::..");
                            return 1;
                if(strval(tmp) < 400 || strval(tmp) > 611) return GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Vehicle id from 400 to 611. Or use just /v!", 5000, 5);
                if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Exit the vehicle!", 5000, 5);
                new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:a, veh;
                veh = CreateVehicle(strval(tmp),x+1,y+1,z,a,1,1,10000);
                PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, veh, 0);
                if((CallRemoteFunction("IsVehicleOwned", "d", curveh[playerid]) == 0))
                curveh[playerid] = veh;
                return 1;

The erroneous instructions only appears more than 30 seconds after that command has executed. But seriously, how are we supposed to know where "???????? in ??" is? Recompile your script with debug flags.

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