21.01.2013, 09:53
Hi , I have a variable who checks if the player spawns without doing tutorial then I start it:
the Timer function:
The problem is I think that when a player spawns without doing tutorial all players do it ,(like this tutorial timer is started for everyone , So I must change it to playerid only?)
pawn Код:
TuerTempsTutoriel = SetTimer("Tutoriel", 1000, true);
pawn Код:
forward Tutoriel();
public Tutoriel()
for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
TempsTutoriel[i] ++;
if(TempsTutoriel[i] == 8) // Tuto 1
else if(TempsTutoriel[i] == 65)
//.....other things
return 1;