20.01.2013, 06:11
Hey guys! I've made my own Jailsystem here, but I've obviously done something wrong! When a player kills another player, the 'killerid' gets jailed. But they never get unjailed! Only ID 0! no matter if id 0 did the kill or not. How can I fix this?
heres a bit of the code; ofc with forward...
heres a bit of the code; ofc with forward...
public UnJail(playerid, killerid) { isJailed[playerid] = 0; isJailed[killerid] = 0; SetPlayerPos(killerid,-1898.6420,243.1353,41.0469); SendClientMessage(killerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, ".: You have been released! :."); return 1; }