20.01.2013, 06:20
hello! I have a problem, do not create gang zone.
where error can not understand ...
sorry for my bad English.
public OnPlayerSpawn ( playerid )
where error can not understand ...
sorry for my bad English.
PHP код:
#define GANG_ZONE 380
PHP код:
create_gang_zone ( )
id, idx_max_min [ 19 ] = { 20, 40, ... } ;
for ( new i, Float: MAX_Y = 2965.00, Float: MAX_X = 2870.00 ; i != GANG_ZONE ; i++ )
zone_params [ i ][ L_atak_zone ] = -1, zone_params [ i ] [ L_my_zone ] = -1 ;
if ( i == idx_max_min [ i ] ) MAX_X -= 300.00, MAX_Y = 2965.00, ++ id ;
zone_params [ i ] [ z_min_x ] = MAX_Y - 300.00;
zone_params [ i ] [ z_min_y ] = MAX_X - 300.00;
zone_params [ i ] [ z_max_x ] = MAX_Y;
zone_params [ i ] [ z_max_y ] = MAX_X, MAX_Y -= 300.00 ;
zone_params [ i ] [ L_id_zone ] = GangZoneCreate ( zone_params [ i ] [ z_min_x ], zone_params [ i ] [ z_min_y ],
zone_params [ i ] [ z_max_x ] , zone_params [ i ] [ z_max_y ] ) ;
print ("gang Zone Load") ; //I do not see this in the server console
return 1 ;
PHP код:
for ( new i ; i != GANG_ZONE ; ++ i )
GangZoneShowForPlayer ( playerid, zone_params [ i ] [ L_id_zone ], 0xA7A7A055 ) ;