08.01.2013, 21:13
Последний раз редактировалось slayer101; 11.01.2013 в 13:03.
0.3x Object suggestions!
Alright so this topic was made for some object suggestions on which objects should be added, credits giving toward Southclaw for the idea,
Anyway im going to allow all of the SA-MP community to give ideas to the team or Cessil and maybe help him a bit to improve SA-MP, even though
some objects won't be added like last time, there’s probably another time, but right now, we are wanting to improve SA-MP as its best, putting
thoughts toward the SA-MP team, and also don't forget to put an expiation of WHY it should be added, I mean there's always a reason toward
adding these objects, and they have to be explained, Just for basics, I’ll go and post what I’ve done and taken from the SA-MP community, media is also
Recommended for these suggestions too, also objects that are from other games will not be added, due to SA-MP may not want to interfere with copyright,
and don't want to cause more problems on the line (Meaning no objects from other games, like GTA IV, or Max Payne 3)
Anyway, here's what I’ve suggested/made..
Terrains - Bunch of uses, mapping.. Fixed Interiors - Can be used for lots of ways, saves people time on doing it. Pipelines - Suggested from Southclaw don't know why, maybe he'll explain. Floor objects ( This has been suggested loads of times. ) - To go with the walls Cessil made. Dollar objects - Can be used maybe in RP servers or Cops and Robbers purposes? Camera object - RP, but maybe some other uses. Crowd object ( Just some crowded people, you'd understand once picture seen. ) - Lots of uses with the objects including mapping. Medical objects ( By Int3so credits go to him. ) - Mainly can be used for RP purposes. Police line - (Credits go to Vince for the object.) RP purposes Road Sections - Bunch of uses with the items, going along with the terrain idea, mapping mainly will be used with. [b] I could make more if needed so, like intersections and such.

Now I’d like to hear the SA-MP Community's ideas