Army Base Spotlights

My SA-MP Map Construction editor doesn't show the spotlights. Also, the construction site with the purple building in Las Venturas, it doesn't show the crane, or the scaffolding.

So how would I remove these objects from the original map if it doesn't show them in the map editor? Also, there's some invisible walls, and I'm clueless how to get rid of them.

Originally Posted by Xlithan
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My SA-MP Map Construction editor doesn't show the spotlights. Also, the construction site with the purple building in Las Venturas, it doesn't show the crane, or the scaffolding.

So how would I remove these objects from the original map if it doesn't show them in the map editor? Also, there's some invisible walls, and I'm clueless how to get rid of them.
you can remove the lights of using CreateDynamicObject, I think.

that creates an object... there's RemoveObjectForPlayer, but I would need the object ID and the PRECISE location of it.

Each spotlight consists of three objects: 2887, 2888 and 2889. For the coordinates, I'm not sure, but they might be the same as used in the singleplayer mission Black Project. These are the lines for that mission in main.scm (Singleplayer mission script), which place the spotlights there:
06B1: 35@ = create_searchlight_at 161.513 1932.982 35.391 radius 0.5 target 49@ 56@ 63@ radius 12.5 
029B: 42@ = init_object #A51_SPOTBULB at 103.946 1901.047 36.246 
029B: 92@ = init_object #A51_SPOTHOUSING at 103.946 1901.047 36.246 
029B: 93@ = init_object #A51_SPOTBASE at 103.946 1901.047 36.246 
06CA: attach_searchlight 35@ to_tower 93@ to_housing 92@ to_bulb 42@ with_offset 0.0 1.181 0.768 
071F: set_object 42@ health_to 5000 
0875: unknown_object 42@ flag 1 
066D: 136@ = attach_particle "SHOOTLIGHT" to_object 42@ with_offset 0.0 1.181 0.768 flag 1 
06B1: 36@ = create_searchlight_at 233.067 1934.892 33.139 radius 0.5 target 50@ 57@ 64@ radius 10.5 
029B: 43@ = init_object #A51_SPOTBULB at 161.962 1933.043 36.246 
029B: 94@ = init_object #A51_SPOTHOUSING at 161.962 1933.043 36.246 
029B: 95@ = init_object #A51_SPOTBASE at 161.962 1933.043 36.246 
06CA: attach_searchlight 36@ to_tower 95@ to_housing 94@ to_bulb 43@ with_offset 0.0 1.181 0.768 
071F: set_object 43@ health_to 5000 
0875: unknown_object 43@ flag 1 
066D: 137@ = attach_particle "SHOOTLIGHT" to_object 43@ with_offset 0.0 1.181 0.768 flag 1 
06B1: 37@ = create_searchlight_at 266.713 1894.979 34.139 radius 0.5 target 51@ 58@ 65@ radius 10.5 
029B: 44@ = init_object #A51_SPOTBULB at 233.486 1934.789 36.246 
029B: 96@ = init_object #A51_SPOTHOUSING at 233.486 1934.789 36.246 
029B: 97@ = init_object #A51_SPOTBASE at 233.486 1934.789 36.246 
06CA: attach_searchlight 37@ to_tower 97@ to_housing 96@ to_bulb 44@ with_offset 0.0 1.181 0.768 
071F: set_object 44@ health_to 5000 
0875: unknown_object 44@ flag 1 
066D: 138@ = attach_particle "SHOOTLIGHT" to_object 44@ with_offset 0.0 1.181 0.768 flag 1 
06B1: 38@ = create_searchlight_at 261.97 1808.07 34.05 radius 0.5 target 52@ 59@ 66@ radius 10.5 
029B: 45@ = init_object #A51_SPOTBULB at 267.116 1895.241 36.246 
029B: 98@ = init_object #A51_SPOTHOUSING at 267.116 1895.241 36.246 
029B: 99@ = init_object #A51_SPOTBASE at 267.116 1895.241 36.246 
06CA: attach_searchlight 38@ to_tower 99@ to_housing 98@ to_bulb 45@ with_offset 0.0 1.181 0.768 
071F: set_object 45@ health_to 5000 
0875: unknown_object 45@ flag 1 
066D: 139@ = attach_particle "SHOOTLIGHT" to_object 45@ with_offset 0.0 1.181 0.768 flag 1 
06B1: 39@ = create_searchlight_at 164.228 1837.892 34.05 radius 0.5 target 53@ 60@ 67@ radius 10.5 
029B: 46@ = init_object #A51_SPOTBULB at 262.145 1807.62 36.246 
029B: 100@ = init_object #A51_SPOTHOUSING at 262.145 1807.62 36.246 
029B: 101@ = init_object #A51_SPOTBASE at 262.145 1807.62 36.246 
06CA: attach_searchlight 39@ to_tower 101@ to_housing 100@ to_bulb 46@ with_offset 0.0 1.181 0.768 
071F: set_object 46@ health_to 5000 
0875: unknown_object 46@ flag 1 
066D: 140@ = attach_particle "SHOOTLIGHT" to_object 46@ with_offset 0.0 1.181 0.768 flag 1 
06B1: 40@ = create_searchlight_at 103.887 1901.057 35.723 radius 0.5 target 54@ 61@ 68@ radius 10.5 
029B: 47@ = init_object #A51_SPOTBULB at 166.003 1849.937 36.246 
029B: 102@ = init_object #A51_SPOTHOUSING at 166.003 1849.937 36.246 
029B: 103@ = init_object #A51_SPOTBASE at 166.003 1849.937 36.246 
06CA: attach_searchlight 40@ to_tower 103@ to_housing 102@ to_bulb 47@ with_offset 0.0 1.181 0.768 
071F: set_object 47@ health_to 5000 
0875: unknown_object 47@ flag 1 
066D: 141@ = attach_particle "SHOOTLIGHT" to_object 47@ with_offset 0.0 1.181 0.768 flag 1 
06B1: 41@ = create_searchlight_at 261.97 1808.07 36.05 radius 0.5 target 55@ 62@ 69@ radius 10.5 
029B: 48@ = init_object #A51_SPOTBULB at 113.439 1814.405 36.246 
029B: 104@ = init_object #A51_SPOTHOUSING at 113.439 1814.405 36.246 
029B: 105@ = init_object #A51_SPOTBASE at 113.439 1814.405 36.246
You might be able to copy the coordinates, but I suggest just picking a coordinate in the middle of the base and setting the radius to something like 200.0.

I still remember something similar like this was one of the first questions i ever asked here in the forum. And what i learned was that the spotlights actually are no objects, but something from GTA itself, that cant be affected in any way by samp yet. You cant remove them as they got no actual object model id, and you cant add new ones.

I would recommend you to check out program called MEd, with that program you can select in-game objects and see their current position and ID.

You could find these objects if you render right scene in MEd, and later remove them on your server through script.


Thanks Basssiiie I'll give it a go. Where did you get the Main.scm file from?

Edit: Doesn't work with the removebuilding function. I guess I'll just have to work around these objects.

Originally Posted by Xlithan
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Thanks Basssiiie I'll give it a go. Where did you get the Main.scm file from?

Edit: Doesn't work with the removebuilding function. I guess I'll just have to work around these objects.
the main.scm file is in some folder ( I think main ) and there will be main.scm

You'll have to cover those objects with something, maybe tall_fence?

I don't plan on editing that file, just wanted to know if I could remove the objects. I've replaced the guard towers back to where they were now anyway.

It's the same with that construction site in LV, with the purple building. I wanted to put the SANews building there but they have the crane and scaffolding that doesn't show in the map editor, so I can't remove them.

Originally Posted by Xlithan
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I don't plan on editing that file, just wanted to know if I could remove the objects. I've replaced the guard towers back to where they were now anyway.

It's the same with that construction site in LV, with the purple building. I wanted to put the SANews building there but they have the crane and scaffolding that doesn't show in the map editor, so I can't remove them.
Include them in your map if you can't remove them! Be creative!

The spot lights and the cranes are probably spawned by SA-MP itself, instead of by the game via the IPL lists. (As they can move, in Singleplayer, at least.)

Main.scm can be found in GTA San Andreas/data/script/, you can decompile it using something like Sanny Builder. Don't be afraid of the 500.000 lines of code that's in there.

Hello,I was able to remove ALL of the SPOTBULBs,SPOTHOUSING,and SPOTBASE at Area 69.

I simply put them in my Filterscripts.

I hope this was helpful.

tested and it compiles and works.

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