SA-MP Map Construction Help

I guess it's more or less a scripting related issue so I'll put it here...

Basically. I have a script I've been working on for a while, and there are several new objects at the Area51 base which I have placed there. SA-MP Map Construction is a GREAT tool for adding objects, getting the coordinates and then just adding them to the script via pawno.

However, when you go back to those objects, and decide to remove some, add different ones or move them, the software doesn't write back to the original pawn file. Instead, it takes every object in the game and gives you a bunch of CreateObject lines, which is silly because all mine are commented so I know what and where they are.

What would anybody recommend I do to make editing my maps more simpler? And before anybody says it, I have searched the holy grail trying to find a video or tutorial on re-editing edited maps using SA-MP Map Construction, and I can't find anything anywhere.

That's because you can't do it. The map editor made by Jernejl(sorry if I wrote it wrong) is not able to modify scripts, it only gives you the codes for objects.

Since my script already has a load of hard coded objects, would you recommend I load my pawn file into the editor, save all the new object code as a filter script and use it that way?

The only other problem I have is that I have some variables assigned to CreateDynamicOject, like this for example...

House1Gate = CreateDynamicObject(4100, -2532.52, 1499.17, 905.63, -40.00, 90.00, 50.70, 602;

Well my suggestion is to get your code like this:

You click Show Code,then copy those codes,open a notepad folder,paste it there. And store your maps that way. That is the best way,I would say. I use that method and it pretty works.

If you have any other problems with the editor see here.

Also, this map editor doesn't show certain objects, like the spot lights on the army base. Is that normal for a map editor? I've removed a couple of the guard towers and need to remove the spot lights as well.

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