Suggestions Thread

Suggest features for 0.3x below!
Well, seems like there seems to not be any currently existing ones. Just keen on keeping this board nice and clean like previously.

pawn Код:
// Functions for a possible anti-cheat if there is no cleo preventation.
native GetVehicleAngularVelocity( vehicleid, &Float: X, &Float: Y, &Float: Z ); // We have set, now we need get.
native IsVehicleOccupied( vehicleid ); // Should be a native IMHO. Creating two loops; vehicles and players seems insufficient.
native GetTotalVehiclesAroundPosition( playerid, &count, Float: Radius = 30.0 ); // Very, very useful.

// Nice functions to have
native ToggleObjectCollision( objectid, bool: toggle );
native IsPlayerUsingWidescreen( playerid ); // Maybe we can slightly improve body part detection with this.
native SetVehicleInvulernable( vehicleid, bool: toggle ); // We have to use a timer always... :(

// Callbacks
forward OnObjectDamaged( damagerid, objectid, weaponid ); // Check if a barrel was shot.
forward OnAudioStreamFinished( handlerid ); // Check once an audio clipped has finished playing.

// Some definitions for functions:
WEAPON_STATE_FIRING - For GetPlayerWeaponState
-> Block CLEO hacks.
-> Perhaps also an increase to the character limit with textdraws containing colours such as ~w~ and so.
-> Actor system to replace the current NPC system (VIEW FUNCTIONS FOR THIS HERE)
-> Fix vehicle exploding bug with vehicle once you set a vehicles health to Float:0x7F800000.

GetLOSFromPlayerToPoint(playerid,Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z) --> Returns 1 for yes and 0 for no.

It would be so damn handy for buildings built with the 0.3e objects, as you can talk to people only in your room without lowering the chatradius to 3.0.

pawn Код:
forward OnPlayerShootObject(playerid, objectid);

native Move3DTextLabel(Text3D:id, Float:x,Float:y,Float:z);
native Attach3DTextLabelToObject(Text3D:id,objectid);
native SetTextDrawRotation(Text:text,Float:RotX,Float:RotY,Float:RotZ);
native SetPlayerTextDrawRotation(Text:text,Float:RotX,Float:RotY,Float:RotZ);

pawn Код:
native TextDrawFade(in/out);
native AttachVehicleToVehicle(vehicleid, vehicleid2, Float:OffsetX, Float:OffsetY, Float:OffsetZ, Float:RotX, Float:RotY, Float:RotZ);
forward OnVehicleDamaged(vehicleid, playerid, Float:amount);

TextDrawFade can fairly be done by yourself.

Better NPCs would be nice, though I dont think we will get them before entering 0.4 era.

How about a bone-id in OnPlayerTake/GiveDamage?

pawn Код:
forward OnVehicleCollide(vehicleid, playerid, collided_vehicleid, collided_objectid, collided_playerid, Float:damage, Float:damage_done);
Add protection against CLEO Hacks

Originally Posted by BloodyEric
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TextDrawFade can fairly be done by yourself.

Better NPCs would be nice, though I dont think we will get them before entering 0.4 era.

How about a bone-id in OnPlayerTake/GiveDamage?
but a native function would be much better and faster, and I agree with the detection of body parts.

pawn Code:
native DisableVehicleMarkers()
I would ideally like the vehicle markers completely disabled in my server.

pawn Code:
native DisableVehicleMarkers()
This would be great as said up there!

Originally Posted by Johndaonee
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pawn Code:
native DisableVehicleMarkers()
This would be great as said up there!
Yes, this function would be great.

pawn Code:
GangZoneCreateCircle ( Float:center_x, Float:center_y, Float:size );

CreateWater3DBox ( Float:minx, Float:miny, Float:maxx, Float:maxy, Float:hight );
SetPlayerFat ( playerid, procent );
SetPlayerMuscle ( playerid, procent );

pawn Code:
Those functions would be awesome.

pawn Code:
instead of quit.

And a cleo mod that will kick players when they use cleo mod.

pawn Code:

pawn Code:
CreateMovablePickup(thesameparameters, attachtoplayer = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, attachtovehicle = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, color);

Ah, the object selector or vehicle selector TD you(Kalcor) posted must have an option where you will have to type the car name or id and it will appear on the TD.

TDs should also have a feature to write on it like dialogs.

pawn Code:
TogglePlayerHUD(playerid, part, toggle);
NPCFollowPlayer(npcid, playerid);
NPCFollowVehicle(npcid, vehicleid);
boneid to OnPlayerGiveDamage & OnPlayerTakeDamage

Though its always cool to see some nice suggestions, but i never really see why we need a special suggestion thread for every new version. Theres the general suggestion thread, and it will mostly be repeated here. Any really new suggestion can now be posted either here, or in the other thread, creating two giant threads that the team would need to check. And its already a pain to get all suggestions of a single thread. So with this it will just be less likely that more suggestions will be considered.

Originally Posted by BloodyEric
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TextDrawFade can fairly be done by yourself.
Another timer? No thank you.

Originally Posted by BloodyEric
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Better NPCs would be nice, though I dont think we will get them before entering 0.4 era.
Can't you use RNPC plugin?

Originally Posted by BloodyEric
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How about a bone-id in OnPlayerTake/GiveDamage?
Hey.. it's already "fairly done by" someone in includes section..

TurnMotionBlurForPlayer(playerid, bool: set);

- Allow colours past the 256th character in textdraws.
- TakePlayerScreenshot(playerid) - Save in scriptfiles (Server Sided Function).

Callbacks to handle money of casinos, or disable that games.

Originally Posted by JoBullet
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Real Graphical User Interface(dropboxes, windows, textareas etc.)
No. More DirectX stuff will completely destroy the feel of the game. This is still a mod for GTA SA, not a standalone game.

Water level adjustment would be nice to have, though. And now I come to think of it, SetObjectMaterial for pickups would also be welcome.

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