Server donations

I've recently heard that donations shouldn't require a recurring payment; it should only be once fee to the individual and your server can be blacklisted if donations have recurring payments. How true is this?
Example: You can get blacklisted if donations have a time period, say a month, instead of forever (one payment)

Even though the sa-mp client & server software license agreement states...

© This software may not be exploited for personal, financial or
commercial gain.

... most of the servers do that, including the most popular servers on SA-MP (without naming any). So it probably shouldn't be an issue!

Your every answer is here:

Well yes it is true

Many servers are using this method,
So i think it wont become an issuse for your case.

So does that mean my server WILL be blacklisted if donation payments reoccur? There are many examples on how to allow donator/VIP status for a set period of time and I'm sure to renew that status, players will have to pay again, and again, AND I haven't seen any moderator post against it...

Well like on my server i give VIP to people that is active and not for spambots and random people brownsing trugh servers so im not giveing them a payment.

Originally Posted by Tee
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So does that mean my server WILL be blacklisted if donation payments reoccur? There are many examples on how to allow donator/VIP status for a set period of time and I'm sure to renew that status, players will have to pay again, and again, AND I haven't seen any moderator post against it...
For each 10 dollars players donate to my server get get 1 month of the VIP status.

The VIP status is a gift from the server, you don't buy the status. You get it as a gift in return.

I had simullar topic as this ( ), but we didnt get to clear conclusion if getting too much money from shop is against samp license agreements. But i still think that donation to server should be allowed to show to server owner that he did a great job with server and in return you get something on server as gift in return to donation. But if you have to buy everything on server from cars to weapons, and because of that you advance on server faster than non donating players i think that is that abusing SAMP license, ant that that servers should be blacklisted. (those servers look like WoW, you have to pay to play normaly)

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