what is my server ip's addres

what is my server ip's addres??
if tryed everything like setting lan off i hat a adress
but than none can join this is my ip what schall i do
what now?

ty litel

The first ip you posted is a local area network ip, Which wont work for people outside your network.

-Your IP: http://myip.nu/
-Check if port 7777 is set in the server.cfg
-Make sure the port your using is opened in your router (if your using one).

i juise a router how do i now this poort open is?

Maybe this can help you.


it does'nt stand on this site either i'have a thomson speedtouch ST122.
what shall i do now?

ok guys im hosted by delux now how to connect them together like i bought a host now how do i open my server? on samp? and i try to open it dont work and idk the ip also whats a RP script please post help thanks

How about you don't start anything since you seem SUPER clueless and lost.

Get it together Tyrone.
Look on your router for 'Port Forwarding', 'Firewall' or 'Services'. From there open the ports, and http://portforward.com/ will lead you from there.

If you're really stuck, then consider getting hosting from a GSP (Game Server Provider) since this may trouble you quite a bit unless you really want to take on the challenge of Networking.

maybe you have dynamic ip and that changed every time you off/on your router/modem. that may be why there are not able to connect and you enter the server via your gateway . am i right?

guys for know ur adress go to start menu go run type cmd
there type /ipconfig

If you want to find your network IP address,then visit Ip-details.com.Here you can see your IP address,ISP,country,Latitude,Longitude,IPv4 dotted binary notation,Octal notation,Decinal notation,Hexadecimal notation.

click start on your windows pc .. bottom left ..

then click run (inside that type cmd)

then inside the black cmd box type in ipconfig and press enter on keyboard..

and then you have your ip

You Must open your ports at http://portforward.com. if you d that go to the http://whatismyipaddress.com/
to find your ip addres

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