15.12.2012, 15:03
Hey, I want to take all the information from a file, and then to put it in a dialog,
but it will be in lines in the dialog.
How I save the words in the file.
How it looks in the file:
And now I want to put it on a dialog:
How I tried to do that:
but it shows me onlt the first line and no all the lines. "First(14/12/2010)"
How can I do that ?
but it will be in lines in the dialog.
How I save the words in the file.
format(string, sizeof(string), "CRecords/%s.cfg", playername); new File:filee = fopen(string, io_append); format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "%s(%d/%d/%d)\r\n",inputtext, Day, Month,Year); fwrite(filee, stringg); fclose(filee);
First(14/12/2010) Second(14/12/2010)
How I tried to do that:
new File:filee = fopen(string, io_read); new stringg[1300]; fread(filee, stringg); format(string3, sizeof(string3), "Wanted for:\n%s", stringg); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,24,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"POLICE DATABASE",string3,"Residence","Exit"); fclose(filee);
How can I do that ?