Little mistake

Hello everybody !
I've 2 errors on the same lines, and honestly, I don't know why.

Can you please help me ? If yes, thanks in advance !

C:\Users\Geo\Desktop\Ca marche\a jour\gamemodes\mygm.pwn(56918) : error 021: symbol already defined: "MoveObject"
C:\Users\Geo\Desktop\Ca marche\a jour\gamemodes\mygm.pwn(56929) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
Line 56918
pawn Код:
MoveObject(jailfbi2,194.74, 160.2696, 1003.27, 2.5, 0.00, 0.00, 90.00);

Line 56929
pawn Код:
return 1;

you somewhre defined moveobjecte, check your codes where you did something this #define MoveObject blbla

Your code looks like this:
pawn Код:
Example(fa, ga)
} //The extra bracket.
    MoveObject(jailfbi2,194.74, 160.2696, 1003.27, 2.5, 0.00, 0.00, 90.00);
    return 1;
In which you have an extra } bracket.

Oh yeah, thank you. What a shame ! In fact a bracket was missing.
+Rep for you.

Originally Posted by Kethrios
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Oh yeah, thank you. What a shame ! In fact a bracket was missing.
+Rep for you.
Missing?! Well, you're lucky you were able to find where to place it! haha, I used to spend 8 hours trying to fix those on my 120k line script.

Oh lord x.x
I guess there is an fs or an include to avoid this.

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