[GameMode] WTSAW new gamemode

Welcome to San Andreas World

Hi, I returned to the development of mode I and mode Ё re appointed to the San Andreas Welcome to World ...

[Color=#4000FF] Short description: [/ color]
[Color=#8040FF] Buildings: [/ color]

zip [/ b] - Option to purchase clothing, or rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] junk [/ b] - Option to purchase clothing, or rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] Casino [/ b] - Possibility to play the machines, or rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] striptease club [/ b] - Possible theft [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color] or you can get drunk
[B] cluckin 'Bell [/ b] - Possibility to refresh, or rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] Ammu Nation [/ b] - Possibility to get a firearms license, or buy a gun
[B] Pizza [/ b] - Possibility to občersvit or rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] Burger [/ b] - Possibility to refresh, or rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] Sex Shop [/ b] - Option to rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color], or buy a dildo
[B] Hairdressing [/ b] - Option to rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] The [/ b] - Option to rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] office [/ b] - Possibility to get a personal ID, or take a driver's license.

[Color = # 8040FF] Occupation: [/ color]
[B] [Not very many, and are quite common but each class will be washed and sophisticated custom commands or mission.] [/ B]

[B] Police: [/ b]
The officer has the task of arresting prisoners.
[B] / jail [/ b] - Arrest player.
[B] / p [/ b] - fine players.
[B] / k [/ b] - Check the player.

[B] Doctor: [/ b]
Doctor aims to heal injured players and to make ends meet.
[B] / heal [/ b] - heal players.

[B] Firefighter: [/ b]
Now contains no mission or orders.

[B] Garbage: [/ b]
Its task is to export garbage after being in Las Venturas.
[B] / mission [/ b] - Initiate garbage mission.

[B] Pilot: [/ b]
The pilot aims to carry people to other countries
[B] / mission [/ b] will start the mission. [Color = # FF0000] "For now suspended due to the country playing in Las Venturas" [/ color]

[B] We plan to attach several jobs but in the next Update. [/ B]

[Color = # 8040FF] The Office: [/ color]
Office located just behind the Sphinx red house on the map.
What you'll find / options:

[B] ID card [/ b] - you will find useful when traveling. Caution must be washed recorded at least one hour.
[B] Driving license [/ b] - It is suitable to you so you do not have to unnecessarily fined Beit police. [Color = # FF0000] "driving zkuљky doing now," [/ color]
[B] air card [/ b] - You can buy an air card that you could drive a large aircraft.
[B] Bank [/ b] - In ATM, or you can choose Save money. Or also look at the account balance.

[Color = # 8040FF] Mini Games / Race: [/ color]
On the server, you will find being a minimum of fun but now I will briefly describe how you:
[B] Karts [/ b] - Karts you can ride in Las Venturas opposite: [b] Triads Casino [/ b].
[B] Race [/ b] - can compete near a [b] 4Dragons Casino [/ b]. Are you going virtually around Las Venturas okruch away from [b] BUFFALO [/ b]
[B] Anime [/ b] - Animations can say kaћdнho are part of the game server. Animations can be found by writing the command [b] / help [/ b] box and select Animation.
[B] Radio [/ b] - turn on the radio using the command: [b] / radio [/ b] You can choose from various radio stations such as:
[Color = # 800040] Europe 2
Kiss Snakes
Frequency 1 [/ color]
[B] Slots / Gambling [/ b] - in practically every casino has an ad in 4Dragons Triads, or you can play on different slot machines or play a game of chance:
[B] roulette [/ b]
[B] Wheel of fortune [/ b]
[B] Automatic luck [/ b]
[B] card [/ b]

[Color = # 8040FF] Diesel: [/ color]
Since the word GAS is on each server so we gave the name of the place PETROL NAFTA.
You can fill up at every gas station. OIL Price: $ 100 for one liter
[B] Benefits: [/ b]
Virtually the same as any gasoline.
[B] Cons: [/ b]
For some players it can be confusing because they are accustomed to gasoline.

[Color = # 8040FF] control of vehicles: [/ color]
These commands can be found by writing to our main command: [b] / help [/ b]

[Color = # 8040FF] The command [b] / help [/ b] [/ color]
This is the main command, which will help you and ease the gameplay mode.
It includes:
[B] The time interval [/ b] - Shows you How long before JSO vэpaty etc..
[B] Baraka [/ b] - You will get information about the barracks on the server.
[B] control of vehicles [/ b] - You will see the commands to control the vehicle.
[B] animation [/ b] - You will get orders for animations.
[B] office [/ b] - all information you find in office.
[B] commands [/ b] - Game commands to our server.

[Color = # 8040FF] Another important command [b] / info [/ b] [/ color]
Your experience and display statistics such as:
[B] Wanted Level. [/ B]
[B] The recorded time. [/ B]
[B] Money. [/ B]
[B] Body. [/ B]
[B] Experience to different jobs. [/ B]
And much more.

[Color = # 8040FF] V.I.P.: [/ color]
V.I.P. can be obtained by you to participate in racing events and the game get points which you can later buy a VIP

[B] ___________________________________ [/ b]

[B] Web site: [/ b] - will be published
[B] Server IP: [/ b] - will be published
[B] The exact mode of execution is unknown. [/ B]

[B] ___________________________________ [/ b]

[Spoiler] [b] Thanks to all who visit us. This mod is our last and will only update. Maybe we used some of the other mode but only for a period of time than it will replace svнma věcima. [/ B]
[Color = # 800040] From the greeting: [/ color] [b] _Benny_ and Bars Mapper [/ b]

[B] 09.10.2011 ______________________UPDATE: ______________________ [/ b]

[Color = # 8040FF] Stands: [/ color]
Were added Triads Casino stands near the main road direction 4Dragons Casino on your right.
In the booth you can buy:
[B] Hotdog [/ b] - Under $ 80
[B] scoop of ice cream [/ b] - Under $ 10
[B] Sprunk [/ b] - Under $ 50
For each product purchased will complement HP

[Color = # 8040FF] Driving School: [/ color]
Until now you did at driving school driving test but I already do.
For driving school pay: $ 10,000

[Color = # 8040FF] Oběkt on the road: [/ color]
Beware when you go from the police station on the main thrust direction 4Dragon Casino traffic is pulled into a left lane.

[Color = # 8040FF] Added commands: [/ color]
[B] / givecash [ID] [amount] [/ b] - Send money players
[B] / afk [/ b] - Fixed a problem does not have to register.
[B] / am [ID] [/ b] - Send a private message. Only authorized $ 3 fee V.I.P. players have it for free.
[B] Inzerat [TEXT_INZERATU] [/ b] - When you submit your ad. Fee: $ 5000

[Color = # 8040FF] Phone booth: [/ color]
After the city are telephone booths from which you can call the police, or HASI4E Doctor.
[Color = # FF0000] Later, probably tomorrow it will replace the messaging players. [/ Color]

[Color = # 8040FF] NPC: [/ color]
[B] Public transport: [/ b]
After the city runs a regular bus service or public transportation. After the city's bus stops are located where the stops.
[B] RALLY: [/ b]
We did just for fun RALLY Arena you will find in the suburbs in the north of Las Venturas.

[Color = # 8040FF] Fixed errors / bugs: [/ color]
[B] Can not passing CP [/ b] - Since we forgot to change the ID of the vehicle is still impossible to travel through the CP in plants.
[B] Map Icon [/ b] - Map Iconky were added around Las Venturas.
[B] Fixed radio [/ b] - As you det pohraje radio pulse or FREQUENCY 1 as we previously had slower transmission of the radio and fell.

[Size = 150] [b] If you have a suggestion to add a mode, or find a bug by writing in the comments. [/ B] [/ size]

[B] 18.10.2011 ______________________UPDATE: ______________________ [/ b]
This update bring a little later due to lack of free time ...
Before I start I want to point out afterwards that we změnla IP address it to: [url] SAMP :/ / [/ url]
In addition, we changed the client version 0.3d on the RC5-2 -> [url] team.sa-mp.com/RC/03d/sa-mp-0.3d-RC5-2-install.exe [/ url]

[Color = # 8040FF] What's in Los Santos: [/ color]
To improve the conditions we play the game so we expanded outside of Las Venturas and Los Santos.

[Color = # 8040FF] Zaměstanн: [/ color]
[B] Police: [/ b]
The officer has the task of arresting prisoners.
[B] / jail [/ b] - Arrest player.
[B] / p [/ b] - fine players.
[B] / k [/ b] - Check the player.

[B] Doctor: [/ b]
Doctor aims to heal injured players and to make ends meet.
[B] / heal [/ b] - heal players.

[B] Firefighter: [/ b]
Now contains no mission or orders.

[B] Interviewer: [/ b]
Journalist may or may not write articles for newspapers what happened on the server.
[B] / article [/ b] - writing an article

[B] Bus Driver: [/ b]
A bus driver may or may not organize tours to the designated position.
Example: type the command: / start the mission by mission / trip reaches the designated Checkpoint where it will be frozen for 30 seconds. Once in the checkpoint displayed to all players on the server this text: [b] [ZAJZED] player (PLAYER NICK) held zбjez: / tours [/ b] player who is interested can use the command portnout sick of this place where the bus waits . After the tour bus driver added as much money as a player in the vehicle.
[B] / mission [/ b] - Initiate a trip.

[B] In the future we plan to fight GANGZONY should be within 14 days. [/ B]

[Color = # 8040FF] Buildings: [/ color]

[B] zip [/ b] - Option to purchase clothing, or rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] junk [/ b] - Option to purchase clothing, or rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] Casino [/ b] - Possibility to play the machines, or rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] striptease club [/ b] - Possible theft [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color] or you can get drunk
[B] cluckin 'Bell [/ b] - Possibility to refresh, or rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] Ammu Nation [/ b] - Possibility to get a firearms license, or buy a gun
[B] Pizza [/ b] - Possibility to občersvit or rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] Burger [/ b] - Possibility to refresh, or rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] Hairdressing [/ b] - Option to rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] The [/ b] - Option to rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]
[B] office [/ b] - Possibility to get a personal ID, or take a driver's license.
[B] office works [/ b] - Possibility to obtain information about your profession or to give notice
[B] bookmaker [/ b] - Option to rob [color = # BF0000] L.ALTEM [/ color]

[B] What was added to Las Venturas: [/ b]

[Color = # 8040FF] Stanky: [/ color]

Kiosks can be found in the midst of the city on the main route to the casino 4Dragons.
You can buy pizza there, Sprunk or ice cream. For each purchased things are getting +100% HP.

[Color = # 8040FF] Mini Games / Race: [/ color]
[B] The other two attractions MARATHON nailed one in Las Venturas and Los Santos to the other. [/ B]
Marathon in Las Venturas is marked as SLOW MARATHON
Marathon in Los Santos is described as HARD MARATHON
Včem differ:
SLOW is shorter and less demanding.
Hardy is a bit complicated because you have to swim across the sea but the sea until you get to sew correctly answer the question. Tkй HARD Marathon is more appreciated.

[B] 28.10.2011 ______________________UPDATE: ______________________ [/ b]

[B] What has changed and not changed: [/ b]
Virtually nothing has changed almost steaming things up in the mode and most update from version 1.5 to 6.1

[B] What you will find New: [/ b]

[B] Laptop and WiFi network: [/ b]
Notebook or SAN-A-LAPTOP as I named you buy near the office in Elektra.
You can also Lunch WiFi receiver that is needed to connect to the Internet from your laptop.
The networks are searched and you are always aware of whether it is in your neighborhood any available WiFi network.
If you have already purchased NTBK just type the command / ntbk after writing a command where you pop up a dialog of options:
[B] Information on notebook [/ b] - To see information about the notebook.
[B] Games [/ b] - You can play the game SNAKE.
[B] Internet [/ b] - After clicking the window Internet is, if you have purchased a WiFi receiver so you can turn on either:
[B] Radio [/ b] - You will be able to choose from radio stations:
[Color = # 800040] Europe 2
Kiss Snakes
Frequency 1 [/ color]
[B] SMS gateway [/ b] - You can send a private message to which it is online on the server.
[B] News in mode [/ b] - Read the news they were added to the mode.
[B] online shopping [/ b] - In spite of this box you can buy things like GPS. Must have a credit card and know your password from your account. After you enter the password you legally order separately item comes to the local post office. There can also be found near the office. Floppy on the map.

[B] minimis [/ b]
Minimis and nailed one to hop into the car: Sweeper (574)
Will be to clean the sidewalks.
Minimis serves as přivнdělek to your work.

[B] Commands: [/ b]
[Color = # 4000FF] / island [/ color] - ing: the fun island.
[Color = # 4000FF] / end [/ color] - leave the island.
[Color = # 4000FF] / ntbk [/ color] - Turn on the laptop so if you have purchased.
[Color = # 4000FF] / News [/ color] - Read news mode.
[Color = # 4000FF] / help [/ color] - To see information about the mode.
[Color = # 4000FF] / faq [/ color] - Serves as Information frequently asked questions.
[Color = # 4000FF] / contest [/ color] - ing: at the racetrack.
[Color = # 4000FF] / gps [/ color] - Turn on the GPS so if you have it.

[B] More Minigames: [/ b]
[Color = # 8000FF] Snake: [/ color]
As I wrote has been added to the SNAKE game you can play on your laptop or SAN-A-LAPTOP.
[Color = # 8000FF] Riding on the ship: [/ color]
This mini-game was added to Las Venturas to a small shipping port.
Your task is to pass through Chcekpointama.

[B] Small Goodies: [/ b]
  • Each displayed name will be displayed in a different color than the text.
  • Has already been fixed problem with giving.
  • Changed the fuel gauge and added HP napřani state car.
  • Were again dopněny MapIcon.
  • Were added to the property.
  • Added TextDraw + hours.
  • Added experience, were also added to the command / info
  • If you zbнvб reception of the fuel to 15% so you will be notified.
  • Fixed some љpatněukazujicн Checkpoint.
  • Command / pm was charged $ 3, consider replacing it with mobile SMS.
  • Added AdminScript.
  • Added the possibility of hooking a vehicle recovery service and Traktor. [/ List]

    [Size = 150] [color = # 00BF00] And much more ... [/ color] [/ size]
    [Size = 150] [color = # BF0000] Everything took place in this city falls under Update [b] Las Venturas [/ b]
    Do I want to point out that the client was a change in 0.3d-2 RC6 download it above. [/ Color] [/ size]

    [B] 10.112011 ______________________UPDATE: ______________________ [/ b]
    So I have less and Update notice:
    As the first thing you want to notify the change game client and you can get all the IP Address above.
    Next I want to write so that officially announce that the city of Las Venturas is done.
    As soon you can expect another update in which it might fall and the Gang Bojoanн Zones and much more. That is all. [/ Spoiler]

    [B] 19.03.2012 ______________________UPDATE: ______________________ [/ b]

    - Recovery mode of development ..
    - The server errors are corrected and conditions of orders
    - The game is being downloaded to Las Venturas
    - Fixed problem of displaying object
    - Rename mode to: [b] Welcome to San Andreas World (WTSAW [/ b]
    [B] looking for other errors .... Already to come back ... [/ b]

    Sorry for my English

    Download --> http://martinbenal.eu/Sarps.rar


Cant find the server mode ...

Fix your color codes cant understand anything

Fix the codes its horrible >.<


amazing Fail

Game-mode itself looks pretty advanced, could you maybe fix the colour codes on the main thread so we can understand it better?

The rest of you knuckleheads stfu and if you don't have anything to say about the topic - don't post and read the rules instead, thanks.

Wooow, nice job

looks nice! just a bit hard to read.

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