23.11.2012, 06:20
Последний раз редактировалось -=Dar[K]Lord=-; 14.12.2012 в 05:34.
DAdmin 1.1v
Well This is another filterscript by Darklord [Me].This admin system gives you admin powers. Well this admin system is like other admin system. Thus being in developing mode i will post some new updates.Lets move on.Introduction!
Version 1.1vRelease And had some admin commands !
Added Dpoints & DarkID
Version 1.2v
Fixed Minor bugs such as onplayerconnection the player would get level 6 [Fixed],
On player disconnect the player would lose his pass [Fixed]!
Added Dpoints Points system [more specific]!
Added Many commands!
Level 0: (Normal Player)1. /favskin - Allows A Player To Select His/her favorate skin.
2. /admins - Allows a player to see online admins in a dialog box.
3. /stats - Allows a player to see other players stats
4. /changepass - Allows a player to change his pass.[Well this command is important and please dont
modify without yini experince]
5./report NEW - Allows a player to report any hacker
6./viproom NEW - Allows a player to teleport to vip room
7./top10 NEW - Allows a player to see the top10 dpointers
8./deleteaccount NEW - Will Help the player to remove his/her account from the server!
Level 1: (Co - Operator)
Above Commands +
1. /god - Allows a player to get god mode [well if he is in car his car got auto repaired]
2. /acmds - Will get a dialog of commands of his level
3. /goto - Will help the player to goto another player
4. /acar - Will Show A Dialog to player of list of cars! NEW
5. /abike - Will Show A Dialog to player of list of bike! NEW
5. /asay - Will Allow the admin to send a client message to all by the tag Admin! NEW
Level 2: (Operator)
1. Above Commands +
2. /kick - Will Kick A Player
3. /get - Will Teleport a player to his position
4. /warn - Will Warn a player NEW
5. /remwarn - Will remove a warning of a player NEW
6. /reports - Will Help the player to see the latest reports NEW
Level 3: (Co-Moderator)
1.Above Commands +
2. /ban - Will Ban A Player!.
3. /admweapons - Will Give You Some Admin Weapons
4. /freeze - Will Freeze A Player That Admin wants
5. /unfreeze - Will unfreeze a freezed player
Level 4: (Moderator)
1. AboveCommands +
2. /setmoney - Will Set A Players Money
3. /setname - Will Set A Players name
4. /mute - Will Mute a specific player
5. /unmute - Will unmute a muted player
Level 5: (Co-Owner)
1. Above Commands+
2. /giveallmoney - Will Give All Players Money who are connected
3. /giveweapon - Will Give A Player A Specific Weapon With specific Ammo
4. /giveallweapon - Will give all players who are connected a specific weapon with specific ammo NEW
Level 6: (Owner)
1. All Commands +
2. /setlevel - Will Set A Players Admin Level
3. /setvip - Will Set A Players vip level NEW
4. /servercp - Will show the servers control panel NEW
5. /sv_restart - Will allow the admin to restart the server in 1 sec or less than 10 secs NEW
6. /setmypos - Will Set the players pos NEW
Thats All About Commands Now About Server Specialities
High Ping Kick [HPK] Is an system made by me so that a player who has the highest ping gets auto kicked by the system so there is no lagging in server.
hostname is a option which allows the admin to change server name ingame..
You must be know steam , which is being used for mainly gaming like Counterstrike condition Zero and all. Well You might be thinking there is not speciality in this admin system, but no i have made a dark id for players.Whenever you join [if you are new you get a new dark id].Well this dark id is not so usefull you all will see this ids effect in next update
•Dark Points
Getting bored? Na not now. This admin system has darkpoints like a dm server do.This is a scoring system.You Might be thinking ahh what shit are u talking score is already there..
No this is not like that this scoring system is imaginary. Imaginary points are added like:
There will be new pointing system like:-
if the killer has more than or equal to 1000 points he will get +4 dpoints.
if the killer has more than or equal to 2000 points he will get +6 dpoints and so on till the player has 10000 points.
after 10000 points the player would get +20 points so the player who has 10000 will be the Pro Player

So The Dm System makes a enjoyment in your own self
Console Commands
Now when you start the server you get the console so that you can see what all things are loaded in the server.Now if you type:-
1./dcredits - Then it will show the console admin the credits of creation of dadmin
Author: - DarkLordTester: - GAMER_007 [Samp forums :- http://forum.sa-mp.com/member.php?u=147638]
Helper to Create Commands :- Lordz [Samp Forums :- http://forum.sa-mp.com/member.php?u=158660]
Helper to fix Dpoints :- Romel [Samp Forums :- http://forum.sa-mp.com/member.php?u=163141]
****** :- Y_ini [ Saving System] [Samp Forums :- http://forum.sa-mp.com/member.php?u=29176]
Zeex :- ZCMD[ Command Proccesor ] [Samp Forums :- Not There]
Please Guys Give me some time i will surely make you happy with the new updates

Please Hold On For Next Updates
Suggestions / Improvements .. Always Welcomed

Any Errors Post Here
The Development of DAdmin has been stopped for some months [about 3 - 4 months] As i have my exams So Please If you have doubts/ errors post it here when i come back i will surely correct it and give you
Link Here:-
DAdmin[Old Version]
DAdmin[New Version 1.2v][Recommended For bugs]