How to remove wanted

Hey, I got this problem, players get wanted when they kill in the GunGame event, how can I solve this? I don't them to get wanted level when they are in the GunGame...

Check if they are in the GunGame, and don't set their wanted level.

You need to find the code where it sets their wanted level, I believe that would be under 'OnPlayerDeath'. And there you need to check if they are in the GunGame or not before setting the wanted level.

I don't understand...

Find where it says
pawn Код:
into the GunGame event part and delete it.

you should have a variable for the time you're in the gungame event. like [gungame] or smth. look down after OnPlayerDeath script where it gives wanted levels and do the check if the variable is 0 it gives wanted level and if variable is 1 it doesn't.

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