16.11.2012, 20:57
Introduction:This TDM Base is something I am still currently working on but may or may not update. I made this because I've always thought of owning a TDM server and getting it populated and I will still reach my goal. Now I have better scripting skills I'm able to achieve this goal very soon and hopefully get a good server going. This gamemode is inspired by a popular S4S server.
When you first log in

When you spawn you see this $ symbol (Respawns after death):

The shop:

- Y_INI loading/saving - Few admin commands to get started - 2 teams (Terrorist and Police) - Shop (bit bugged and not go around to finishing it) - There may be a bug with the cash and score system - Hashed Passwords (whirlpool) - Much more just cant think of it right now
Sscanf - ****** Y_INI - ****** ZCMD - Zeek OPSP - Wups Me - Script
16/11/12 - Initial release
There are a few bugs that could be fixed and a few tweaks and that but it's playable, No console errors ETC...
Please no hate, if you have any concerns, drop me a inbox, thanks! P.S - If any bitching goes on, I'll remove this.