26.01.2009, 18:02
I noticed a while ago that ] becomes a star in one of the fonts, so I did some positioning and stuff.. This is the result:
It's pretty simple to use, load the filterscipt and use the SetPlayerWantedLevel function. In this script the limit of stars is 12 (6 extra), but it's not that hard to increase/decrease.
Share, modify, steal or whatever you want.
Edit: Pastebin post died, added another one.
I noticed a while ago that ] becomes a star in one of the fonts, so I did some positioning and stuff.. This is the result:
#include <a_samp> #pragma tabsize 4 // ------------------------------------ // Extended wanted level FS, by Slice // ------------------------------------ new bool:gme; public OnGameModeInit() { if ( gme ) DoInit(); gme = false; new playerid; for ( playerid = 0; playerid < GetMaxPlayers(); playerid++ ) SetPlayerWantedLevel( playerid, 0 ); return 1; } public OnGameModeExit () { gme = true; DoExit(); return 1; } public OnFilterScriptInit() { DoInit(); return 1; } public OnFilterScriptExit() { DoExit(); return 1; } #define WLCheck(%1) if ( GetPlayerWantedLevel( playerid ) >= %1 ) TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, tStar%1 ); else TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, tStar%1 ) new Text:tStar7, Text:tStar8, Text:tStar9, Text:tStar10, Text:tStar11, Text:tStar12, UPDTimer; Text:CreateStarTD( starnum ) { new Text:tStar = TextDrawCreate( 503.5 - ( 18 * ( starnum - 7 ) ), 102.1, "]" ); TextDrawColor ( tStar, 0x906210FF ); TextDrawBackgroundColor( tStar, 0x000000AA ); TextDrawFont ( tStar, 2 ); TextDrawSetShadow ( tStar, 0 ); TextDrawSetProportional( tStar, true ); TextDrawLetterSize ( tStar, 0.6, 2.4 ); TextDrawAlignment ( tStar, 3 ); TextDrawSetOutline ( tStar, 1 ); return tStar; } DoInit() { tStar7 = CreateStarTD( 7 ); tStar8 = CreateStarTD( 8 ); tStar9 = CreateStarTD( 9 ); tStar10 = CreateStarTD( 10 ); tStar11 = CreateStarTD( 11 ); tStar12 = CreateStarTD( 12 ); UPDTimer = SetTimer( "Wlevel_UPD", 250, 1 ); } DoExit() { TextDrawDestroy( tStar7 ); TextDrawDestroy( tStar8 ); TextDrawDestroy( tStar9 ); TextDrawDestroy( tStar10 ); TextDrawDestroy( tStar11 ); TextDrawDestroy( tStar12 ); KillTimer( UPDTimer ); } forward Wlevel_UPD(); public Wlevel_UPD() { new playerid; for ( playerid = 0; playerid < GetMaxPlayers(); playerid++ ) { WLCheck(7); WLCheck(8); WLCheck(9); WLCheck(10); WLCheck(11); WLCheck(12); } }
Share, modify, steal or whatever you want.
Edit: Pastebin post died, added another one.