03.11.2012, 16:20
Последний раз редактировалось Kitten; 05.10.2016 в 20:58.
Zombie Apocalypse
Hello fellow SA-MP Forum users i've decided to release an script of mine called Zombie Apocalypse it's an pretty awesome script i had it running in my server for atleast one year and half it had an amazing player base of 50-90 players daily basically what it is, it's an zombie TDM with special perks per class using the class command '/class' and special maps any many more listed below with the features!
Was going to release something special for Halloween was to busy lately so heres my special Halloween gamemode

Features of the script!
- It has pretty Advanced Class system with many classes for two teams 'Zombies' and 'Humans'.
// Human Classes CIVILIAN 1501 // Silenced Pistol, Shotgun - 0 XP POLICEMAN 1502 // Deagle,Shotgun - 500 XP MEDIC 1503 // Shotgun,Silenced Pistol,Armour,Cure Infected - 1000 XP SCOUT 1504 // Sniper,Silenced Pistol - 1500 XP HEAVYMEDIC 1505 // Deagle,Shotgun,Armour,Cure Infected - 5000 XP FARMER 1506 // Deagle,AK,County Rifle,Armour - 6000 XP ENGINEER 1507 // Silenced Pistol,Shotgun,Armour,Build Boxes - 7500 XP SWAT 1508 // MP5,Deagle,Armour,Immunity - 10,000 XP HEAVYSHOTGUN 1509 // Shotgun, Deagle,Armour,More shotgun damage - 20,000 XP ADVANCEDMEDIC 1510 // M4,Deagle,Shotgun,Cure all - 25,000 XP ADVANCEDENGINEER 1511 // Deagle,M4,Armour,Build Boxes - 30,000 XP FEDERALAGENT 1512 // M4,Deagle,Shotgun,Armour,Immunity - 35,000 XP KICKBACK 1513 // Silenced Pistol,Shotgun,MP5 - 45000 XP ADVANCEDSCOUT 1514 // Sniper,Deagle,High jump,Half Armour - 100,000 XP ASSASSIN 1515 // M4,Shotgun - Plant C4's - 120,000 XP - REMOVED VIPENGINEER 1516 VIPMEDIC 1517 VIPSCOUT 1518 E_ENGINEER 1519 // Deagle,Shotgun,Armour - Build Ladders - 35,000 XP SOLIDER 1520 // Solider - AK47,Deagle - 6500 XP DOCTOR 1521 // Silenced Pistol - Heal,Cure,Shield Heal - Rank 22 // Zombie Classes STANDARDZOMBIE 2501 // LALT Infect a Player - 0 XP MUTATEDZOMBIE 2502 // LALT Infect Drunk Vision - 500 XP FASTZOMBIE 2503 // High Jump - 5000 XP REAPERZOMBIE 2504 // More damage with chainsaw - 10,000 XP WITCHZOMBIE 2505 // LALT 75 Damage - 18,000 XP BOOMERZOMBIE 2506 // Explodes on death and infect - 20,000 XP STOMPERZOMBIE 2507 // LALT Throw all around you - 25,000 XP SCREAMERZOMBIE 2508 // LALT Throw everyone around you on the floor - 35,000 XP ADVANCEDMUTATED 2509 // LALT Infect all around - 65,000 XP ADVANCEDSCREAMER 2510 // LALT Throw all +5hp - 70,000 XP FLESHEATER 2511 // LALT Infect a player kills faster - 100,000 XP ADVANCEDWITCH 2512 // LALT 99 Damage - 150,000 XP ADVANCEDBOOMER 2513 // LALT Explode - 200,000 XP
- Map System it is an advanced map system with multiple features such as Allowing Water, Not allowing water, setting the time and much more via an ini file via Maps folder in scriptfiles!
- V.I.P System the script has an vip system implemented includes many features the features are listed below
Vip Package One - Vip Unlimited Ammo - Vip Weapons - 24/7 Double XP (even when Triple XP or Double XP is loaded from the server you still earn extra from Double XP from VIP + that!) - Vip 5% non-Zombified player ID's Vip Package Two - Vip Package One Included! - Vip S.W.A.T Armour Object - Vip Classes (not developed yet!) - Vip 10% non-Zombified player ID's Vip Package Three - Vip Package One Included! - Vip Package Two Included! - Vip Name flashing! - Vip Weapons Ultra - Vip Kick Back - Vip Engineer Class! Vip Package Four - Vip Package One Included! - Vip Package Two Included! - Vip Package Three Included! - Vip Armour 50 - Vip Medic Class (ability to use /cure and /heal with 20+ extra hp with heal!) - Vip Scout Class (1 shot 1 kill) - Vip 20% non-Zombified player ID's
- MySQL Saving and Loading.
- MySQL System
- Pickup System includes picking up Ammo or XP or depending if you are an engineer you can pick up crates or known as Boxes via ingame
- Advanced Anti-Cheat system includes an ban system seperated table in the MySQL the anticheat system includes Anti-Fake Killing, Anti Armour Hack, Anti Weapon Hack, Anti Vehicle Mod, Anti Vehicle Enter, Anti Airbrake (was removed in 2.2) still is in backup 2.1 which is included in the backup folder any many more!
- XP System or known as Experience system it's the source for the gamemode because to use certain classes you need some amount of XP to use it any many more features!
- Rank system it's an simple rank system as you rank up you unlock special features such as Unlocking an doctor class at rank 22 or getting an helmet at rank 18 and many more!
- Killstreak System, Killstreak system is an various type of system that are often used in many games such as Call Of Duty this Killstreak system isn't pretty advanced the amount of kills you get the amount of XP you might get you can get up to 120 killstreaks!
- Damage system certain weapons have different damage some depend on what class you in!
- Infection System you can infect players as zombie you will get an red screen with losing health, losing HP depends on what class you in, if standard zombie they die slower, if mutated a bit faster, if Flesh eater you lost 10 hp per four seconds!
- Advanced Admin System in the script itself includes an admin system with commands such as banning, kick, giving coins, giving XP, changing the weather and time and many more in the script there is an command called /acmds with list of admin commands also goes with normal player commands with /cmds
- Evac System when a player survives till end of the round there will be an checkpoint located in a certain spot where the survivor has to go to once reaches depending on the mapper what evac type has he placed in the map format, it'll be that position there are three evac types, Land,Water,Air depending on your map!
- Includes 19 Maps total!
Map System format!
[basic] MapName = FSMapName = HumanSpawnX = HumanSpawnY = HumanSpawnZ = HumanSpawn2X = HumanSpawn2Y = HumanSpawn2Z = ZombieSpawnX = ZombieSpawnY = ZombieSpawnZ = GateX = GateY = GateZ = GaterX = GaterY = GaterZ = CPx = CPy = CPz = GateID = MoveGate = AllowWater = Interior = Weather = Time = EvacType =
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFe6NdB0tco&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrxCud3BJtQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKGBXFBMwoA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj2JSyaAYBg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuD0L_DMUDk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rKN3pBE8OE
- Uses SA-MP Default ban system!
- There is no top 10-20-30 kills command!
- /changename has been removed!
MySQL Version:
-mysql R6
-zcmd command processor
-basic knowledge of mysql!
INI Version:
-Whirlpool plugin by ******
-zcmd command processor
You may not re-release THIS without my permission!
Update: SQL Dumps been uploaded the the MySQL Package!
Update 7/18/13: Updated both links below for a map bug fix.
Download: http://www.pgagaming.net/forums/index.php?topic=275