just wanted to tell.. mass murder 10km away from home :'(

Originally Posted by =>Sandra<=
Originally Posted by Hawkins
If only I got given a minigun and was put right infront of the killer, it'd be my dream come true.
Why you want to kill him?

Imagine the parents/families have to live their whole life with the fact that their kids are killed.
If you would kill that killer now (he is 20 years old btw), he will not suffer anymore, not feel sorry for those kids.
You better jail him for the rest of his life. (Since he's 20 years old now, he has a low way to go...) He will suffer much more when you're in jail for life.

Like Yaheli said:

A life sentence is much worse then being killed.

yah.the attackers must in jail for a long time,who will suffer,who will in pain.Kill them?like the attackers cuz find no way to solve this problem,to kill...
the fuckers killed two small angels,all sadly gone,we arent superman to let time back and to avoid ot...But how about the witnesses who still are young children..They .ay say they saw a murdered and dare not to outside...
The FUCKERS hurt children's heart!!!!The FUCKERS affect children's future
yh,we can easily be killed in samp,in real life we live,we should portect every lifes to aviod to killing,wars,and so mamy many
Hope the three forgive our still-imperfect world,and will have perfect life in another world

Wow thats sad

I do think jailing him for ever is the best thing to do.

Then he has to live with what he did until he dies.

And getting raped in the showers can't be fun, either xP

That guy is psyko.

Originally Posted by kc
And getting raped in the showers can't be fun, either xP
Nah, I don't think neither.

Also happened in my country but 10km's away.
That guy killed more than 100 little kids, you was usually around in gaming - zones
but he killed himself

another kid died
he didn't survive

Originally Posted by °ғαιιοцт°
another kid died
he didn't survive
so what are you waiting for ?
Get AK47 (I recommend M4A1 with a Silencer)
& Shoot him in the balls!

Originally Posted by Rafay
Originally Posted by °ғαιιοцт°
another kid died
he didn't survive
so what are you waiting for ?
Get AK47 (I recommend M4A1 with a Silencer)
& Shoot him in the balls!
now he has full protection of the police -_-
so he won't get killed
i don't understand this :S
i don't want anything else than him DEAD

Jail for life, burn his foreskin, serverely, let him get bummed.

Tell him he's allowed out for good behavior, then burn his genitals and say we were only joking you sick fuck.



De vergelijking met The Joker, de hoofdpersoon uit de laatste Batmanfilm, wordt veelvuldig gemaakt. Dat personage heeft een geschminkt gezicht en lacht zijn daden weg, net als de dader. Bij de steekpartij kwamen een 54-jarige vrouw en twee jongetjes onder de 2 jaar om het leven. Tien andere kinderen raakten gewond door messteken, maar zijn buiten levensgevaar.

Op het lichaam van de dader werd een briefje aangetroffen met de naam van een tweede kinderopvanglocatie, op drie kilometer afstand. Maar de 20-jarige man werd aangehouden voordat hij daar kon toeslaan. In zijn rugzak zat een tweede mes en een bijl, de man zelf droeg een kogelvrij vest. Hij was nog niet bekend bij de politie.

De man kwam rond 10.00 uur binnen bij het kinderdagverblijf Fabeltjesland en begon gelijk in te steken op een aantal van de 21 aanwezige kinderen.

That sick man was acting like the Joker from Batman.
They also found a note where he wrote the adress of a second mass murder on a school.

He should have 100 cuts to the body, avoiding major arteries for a painful death.
(Rush Hour 3 lol)


Shoot him and let him suffer. Than give him medical attention, then shoot him again and let him bleed to death.

I think I need help... My head is fucked...

he must get cancer, suffer veeeeerrry much
than when the doctors say that he finally healed
he must have a car accident (with much pain)
than he should be in coma for 20 years
and when he wakes up, and can walk again, he needs to fall off the stairs and break his neck

Heard about it in the news :/

I cant really image how down or physical retared you have to be to do those things...

Not to get me wrong, but why not old humans, why babys?

I cant understand that.

Originally Posted by [MM
Murphy ]
Heard about it in the news :/

I cant really image how down or physical retared you have to be to do those things...

Not to get me wrong, but why not old humans, why babys?

I cant understand that.

I can imagine myself killing this person. I can imagine myself putting someone out of their misery.

I... I can imagine him killing these babies... I can picture it...

Originally Posted by Kriztian
Originally Posted by [MM
Murphy ]
Heard about it in the news :/

I cant really image how down or physical retared you have to be to do those things...

Not to get me wrong, but why not old humans, why babys?

I cant understand that.

I can imagine myself killing this person. I can imagine myself putting someone out of their misery.

I... I can imagine him killing these babies... I can picture it...

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