21.10.2012, 17:26
Последний раз редактировалось NewerthRoleplay; 21.10.2012 в 18:36.
Hey I am making a house system at the moment and here is what happens once the server loads all of the houses:
However for some reason it does not create the text label, it also does not send the message properly which leads me to think the data is not being split properly, for example when it is supposed to send the above message instead it says: Admin: Connor_Howell has created a new house with the ID: 0 3 times.
pawn Код:
public OnHouseLoaded(playerid)
while(mysql_fetch_row_format(result, "|"))
sscanf(result, "e<is[30]iifffiis[200]>", HouseInfo[idx]);
new houselabel[200];
format(houselabel, sizeof(houselabel), "House ID: %i\nHouse Owner: %s\nHouse Price: $%i\nHouseLevel: %i\nUse /buy to buy this house!", HouseInfo[idx][houseid], HouseInfo[idx][howner], HouseInfo[idx][hprice], HouseInfo[idx][hlevel]);
HouseInfo[idx][hlabel] = Create3DTextLabel(houselabel, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, HouseInfo[idx][HouseX], HouseInfo[idx][HouseY], HouseInfo[idx][HouseZ], 40.0, 0, 0);
new string[200], name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
format(string, sizeof(string), "Admin: %s has created a new house with the ID: %i", name, HouseInfo[idx][houseid]);
SendAdminMessage(COLOR_GOLD, string);
printf("MySQL: Succesful. Fetched %i rows from the database.", idx+1);
return 1;