[Tutorial] Simple Command


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Nice job! Well i just ran through the code but is it close the connection or just send some clint messages?

No it closes the connection, the player disconnects 100% from the server

if(giveplayerid != playerid && Untouchable[giveplayerid]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "* You Can't Do this on This player!");
GameTextForPlayer(giveplayerid, "•¤¶§!$$%&'()*+,-./01~!@#$^&*()_-+={[}]:;'<,>.?/", 1000, 0);
GameTextForPlayer(giveplayerid, "•¤¶§!$$%&'()*+,-./01~!@#$^&*()_-+={[}]:;'<,>.?/", 2000, 1);
GameTextForPlayer(giveplayerid, "•¤¶§!$$%&'()*+,-./01~!@#$^&*()_-+={[}]:;'<,>.?/", 3000, 2);
GameTextForPlayer(giveplayerid, "•¤¶§!$$%&'()*+,-./01~!@#$^&*()_-+={[}]:;'<,>.?/", 4000, 3);
GameTextForPlayer(giveplayerid, "•¤¶§!$$%&'()*+,-./01~!@#$^&*()_-+={[}]:;'<,>.?/", 5000, 4);
GameTextForPlayer(giveplayerid, "•¤¶§!$$%&'()*+,-./01~!@#$^&*()_-+={[}]:;'<,>.?/", 6000, 5);
GameTextForPlayer(giveplayerid, "•¤¶§!$$%&'()*+,-./01~!@#$^&*()_-+={[}]:;'<,>.?/", 7000, 6);
format(string, sizeof(string), "You have crashed %s (%d)'s game", giveplayer,giveplayerid);
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_DBLUE, string);
return 1;
Here is the main part right? So if i see this messsages on a server i start praying to dont crash fully... so i don't want to quit if i get this messages.. Can you understand what i mean? so in the first line of the main part add a kick cide then send a lot of messages so fast... and it will seem like he really crashed.. but btw nice script!

Look, when i do /crash (playerid) these messages appear (As A Spam) then he disconnect all of this in less than 3 seconds and the player will be disconnected

Simple.. But Fatal Good Job

1.st This code is pasted from Ravens RP
2.nd What the fuck it has to do with DDOSERS? I recommended you to read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack
3.rd This code sucks, you could just

pawn Код:
new id;
CMD:fakecrash(playerid, params[])
    if(sscanf(params, "u", id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Usage: /fakecrash [PlayerID/PartOfName]");
    if (!IsPlayerConnected(plid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Invalid Player Specified.");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Player succesefuly crashed!");
     return 1;
stock CrashPlayer(playerid) {
    return ApplyAnimation(playerid, "GANG", "DRUGS_BUY", 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5*1000);
Also: This is NOT Filterscript or Tutorial...
Use your brain before posting something.

This is not a tutorial
Its just a filterscript
If you want to call this a tutorial explain every single line,every single code,every single word!
And you could simply detect an in-game ddos attack by checking for invaild bot/player names and then kick the bot/player

This is not even a filterscript. This is actually (enlarged so everyone can see it)


If you want to help people, you need to start posting useful things! Post your own work, and explain everything contained in the code.

No buddy it is not ripped from the godfather script

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