29.09.2012, 11:19
Hi there,
Timers always give me grief when I do them, and it's not different this time. For some odd reason, the clock flows at full hour from :59, misses out :00 and flows to :61, any offers? This is my ClockUpdate function...
Also, the clock speeds up and everytime someone logs in, a second is added onto the timer, so the intervals increase i.e from :40 to :44 and so on. I suppose this is because of the Second +=1 thing, but where do I put it, if not there?
Timers always give me grief when I do them, and it's not different this time. For some odd reason, the clock flows at full hour from :59, misses out :00 and flows to :61, any offers? This is my ClockUpdate function...
public ClockUpdate() { for(new x = 0; x < MAX_PLAYERS; x++) { if(Logged[x] == 1) { new string[12]; Second += 1; format(string, sizeof(string), "%i:%i:%i", Hour, Minute, Second); if(Second == 60) { if(Minute == 59) { for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(Player[i][PaydayTime] >= 30) { SendClientMessage(i, ORANGE, ">> Your pay cheque is ready to be picked up. Please head to the city hall to claim it."); CheckReady[i] = 1; } else return SendClientMessage(i, LIBLUE, ">> You haven't been playing long enough to get a pay cheque."); } } if(Hour == 23) { Hour = 0; Minute = 0; Second = 0; } else { Hour ++; Minute = 0; Second = 0; } } else { Minute ++; Second = 0; } } if(Minute == JACKPOT_CALL_MINUTE && Second == 0) { SendClientMessageToAll(JACKPOT_COLOR, "Dear Transporters! The lottery is here!"); SendClientMessageToAll(JACKPOT_COLOR, "Type /buyticket and choose a number to buy your lottery ticket. The ticket will cost $5."); format(gString, sizeof gString, "This hour's jackpot is ($%d). Good luck!", gJackpot); SendClientMessageToAll(JACKPOT_COLOR, gString); } if(Minute == JACKPOT_CALL_MINUTE + JACKPOT_LAST_CALL && Second == 0) { SendClientMessageToAll(JACKPOT_COLOR, "Dear Transporters! Only two minutes left until the lottery draw. Last chance to buy your ticket with /buyticket!"); } if(Minute == JACKPOT_CALL_MINUTE + JACKPOT_LAST_CALL + JACKPOT_CALL && Second == 0) { TicketDraw(); } format(string,sizeof (string),"%02i:%02i:%02i", Hour, Minute, Second); TextDrawSetString(Clock, string); SetWorldTime(Hour); } } return 1; }
Clock = TextDrawCreate(547.000000, 24.500000, "--:--:--"); TextDrawBackgroundColor(Clock, 255); TextDrawFont(Clock, 3); TextDrawLetterSize(Clock, 0.420000, 1.300000); TextDrawColor(Clock, -1); TextDrawSetOutline(Clock, 0); TextDrawSetProportional(Clock, 1); TextDrawSetShadow(Clock, 1); Hour = 12; Minute = 30; Second = 1; ClockTimer = SetTimer("ClockUpdate", 999, 1);