Chat Help

I'm sure this is something really simple, but I was wondering if I could have some help with the script below for the vip chat.

command(v, playerid, params[])
	new message[128], string[128];
	if(sscanf(params, "z", message))
		SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "SYNTAX: /(v)ip [message]");
	    if(Player[playerid][VipRank] >= 1)
	        if(strlen(message) < 1)
	            SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "SYNTAX: /(v)ip [message]");
	            format(string, sizeof(string), "[VIP] %s says (%d): %s", GetName(playerid), Player[playerid][VipRank], message);

				for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		            if(IsPlayerConnectedEx(i) && Player[i][VipRank] >= 1 && Player[i][ToggedVIP] == 0)
		                SendClientMessage(i, 0xF2C200FF, string);
	return 1;
Now, I want to make it so for admin just their name is red, here is the defined admin thing I have for the newbie chat:
if(Player[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 1)
Although, I want it to be from levels 1 through to 6.
-Thanks in advance.

pawn Код:
CMD:n(player, params[]) //You can replace n with anything you want, newbiechat etc.
    new message[80];
    if(sscanf(params, "s", message)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "SYNTAX: /(n) [message]");
    if(strlen(message) > 80) return SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "SYNTAX: /(n) [message]");
    if(Player[playerid][AdminLevel] < 1)
        format(string,sizeof(string),"[NEWBIE] %s says: %s",GetName(playerid), message);
        format(string,sizeof(string),"[NEWBIE] {FF0000}%s {F2C200}says: %s",GetName(playerid),message);
    SendClientMessageToAll(0xF2C200FF, string); //You can replace the colour with whatever you desire.
    return 1;
NOTE: Untested

pawn Код:
command(v, playerid, params[])
    if(!Player[playerid][VipRank]) return 0; //or 1, a message, whatever you want
        new string[128], color[9];
        if(Player[playerid][AdminLevel]) format(color, sizeof(color), "{CC0000}");
        else format(color, sizeof(color), "{}");
        format(string, sizeof(string), "[VIP] %s%s{999999} says (%d): %s", color, GetName(playerid), Player[playerid][VipRank], params);

        for(new i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && Player[i][VipRank] && !Player[i][ToggedVIP])
                SendClientMessage(i, 0xF2C200FF, string);
    else return SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "SYNTAX: /(v)ip [message]");
    return 1;
Here's one way to do it (note, {} should be invisible for non admins but you can change it to any color you want regular players to have). That 99,99,99 is just a gray
the {} is visable for the normal players and invis for admin. is there a way to just remove the {}? Will it break the command?

yeah just change it to the 999999 (inside the brackets in the else statement) or whatever you want

Originally Posted by [ABK]Antonio
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yeah just change it to the 999999 (inside the brackets in the else statement) or whatever you want
Do you mind doing it for me? I'm terrible with scripting chats =I

Oh lol I thought you were asking for a newbie chat command :S oops.
but no, that isn't the best way :S
You can just reformat the string if they aren't admins... just like in the 'n' command, just replace the variables with admin variables.

pawn Код:
else format(color, sizeof(color), "{}");
pawn Код:
else format(color, sizeof(color), "{999999}");
or some other color

Originally Posted by clarencecuzz
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Oh lol I thought you were asking for a newbie chat command :S oops.
but no, that isn't the best way :S
You can just reformat the string if they aren't admins... just like in the 'n' command, just replace the variables with admin variables.
There's no need - it's gonna be faster if he ever wants to add more colors or something into it without reformatting it multiple times. It's only 9 cells lol

pawn Код:
CMD:v(playerid, params[])
    new message[80];
    if(Player[playerid][VipRank] < 1 && Player[playerid][AdminLevel] < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "Only VIP Members/Administrators Can Use This Command!");
    if(sscanf(params, "s", message)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "SYNTAX: /(v)ip [message]");
    if(strlen(message) > 80) return SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "SYNTAX: /(v)ip [message]");
    new string[150];
    if(Player[playerid][AdminLevel] > 0)
        format(string,sizeof(string),"[VIP] {FF0000}%s {F2C200}says (%d): %s",GetName(playerid),Player[playerid][VipRank],message);
        format(string,sizeof(string),"[VIP] %s says (%d): %s",GetName(playerid),Player[playerid][VipRank],message);
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            if(Player[i][VipRank] > 0)
                if(Player[i][ToggedVIP] == 0)
                    SendClientMessage(i, 0xF2C200FF, string);
    return 1;

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