16.09.2012, 19:33
Последний раз редактировалось KINGINA; 28.09.2012 в 16:36.
This is my first GM, i was made it to play with friends, it's good for fun. There's no admin system, only rcon.
When player connect he can choze one of many skins, and when he spawn he get weapons: combat shotgun, M4, MP5, Deagle, Sniper, Granata.
When player kill some other player he get +1 score and 5000$, and player who is killed take 5000$.
If player is out of ammo, he can type /wep for ammo.
There is one map, it very difficult to kill, becuase there's a lot of trees and plants.
Players don't see their name, color and health(thet is more difficult).
NEW UPDATE! added killstreak sound, Weapon shop, map is fixed a little, when player join message, map updated,...
This GM will have more update becuase I was just started creating.
PICTURES of map:
Spawn loc (inside hangar) ADDED RANDOM SPAWN...

When player connect he can choze one of many skins, and when he spawn he get weapons: combat shotgun, M4, MP5, Deagle, Sniper, Granata.
When player kill some other player he get +1 score and 5000$, and player who is killed take 5000$.
If player is out of ammo, he can type /wep for ammo.
There is one map, it very difficult to kill, becuase there's a lot of trees and plants.
Players don't see their name, color and health(thet is more difficult).
NEW UPDATE! added killstreak sound, Weapon shop, map is fixed a little, when player join message, map updated,...
This GM will have more update becuase I was just started creating.
DOWNLOAD V0.3 - Updates!
PICTURES of map:
Spawn loc (inside hangar) ADDED RANDOM SPAWN...

If you like it, you can give me rep +