16.09.2012, 03:11
Is GetPlayerWeaponData delayed or something? Every other variable saves, it's just weapons that don't, and it's not even every time, it's only sometimes.
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
if( plLoggedIn [ playerid ] == true )
INI: saveFile = INI_Open( FindPlayerFile( playerid ) ),
Float: plPos [ 4 ],
plWeapons [ 13 ] [ 2 ],
wepStr [ 32 ],
ammoStr [ 32 ];
GetPlayerPos( playerid, plPos [ 0 ], plPos [ 1 ], plPos [ 2 ] );
GetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, plPos [ 3 ] );
INI_SetTag( saveFile, "data" );
INI_WriteInt( saveFile, "Access", plStats [ playerid ] [ Access ] );
INI_WriteInt( saveFile, "Skin", plStats [ playerid ] [ Skin ] );
INI_WriteInt( saveFile, "Interior", GetPlayerInterior( playerid ) );
INI_WriteInt( saveFile, "VirtualWorld", GetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid ) );
INI_WriteInt( saveFile, "CellPhoneNumber", plStats [ playerid ] [ CellPhoneNumber ] );
INI_WriteInt( saveFile, "CellPhoneBattery", plStats [ playerid ] [ CellPhoneBatteryLife ] );
// Inventory System
INI_WriteInt( saveFile, "BadgeNumber", plStats [ playerid ] [ BadgeNumber ] );
INI_WriteInt( saveFile, "CBRadio", plStats [ playerid ] [ CBRadio ] );
INI_WriteInt( saveFile, "LottoTicket", plStats [ playerid ] [ LottoTicket ] );
// Faction System
INI_WriteInt( saveFile, "FactionID", plStats [ playerid ] [ FactionID ] );
INI_WriteInt( saveFile, "FactionRank", plStats [ playerid ] [ FactionRank ] );
INI_WriteInt( saveFile, "Money", plStats [ playerid ] [ Money ] );
INI_WriteString( saveFile, "IntroSong", plStats [ playerid ] [ IntroSong ] );
INI_WriteFloat( saveFile, "Position_X", plPos [ 0 ] );
INI_WriteFloat( saveFile, "Position_Y", plPos [ 1 ] );
INI_WriteFloat( saveFile, "Position_Z", plPos [ 2 ] );
INI_WriteFloat( saveFile, "Position_A", plPos [ 3 ] );
for( new w; w < 12; w ++ )
GetPlayerWeaponData( playerid, w, plWeapons [ w ] [ 0 ], plWeapons [ w ] [ 1 ] );
format( wepStr, sizeof wepStr, "Weapon_%d", w );
INI_WriteInt( saveFile, wepStr, plWeapons [ w ] [ 0 ] );
format( ammoStr, sizeof ammoStr, "Ammo_%d", w );
INI_WriteInt( saveFile, ammoStr, plWeapons [ w ] [ 1 ] );
INI_Close( saveFile );
plLoggedIn [ playerid ] = false;
return true;