11.01.2009, 18:30
hey guys i have a mega loop createt but if i drive them it blow up its to big
and i want now that 6 of my cars have godmode can someone help me?

new GodCars[6];
GodCars[0] = AddStaticVehicle(Blah blahj blah);
GodCars[1] = AddStaticVehicle(Blah blahj blah);
GodCars[2] = AddStaticVehicle(Blah blahj blah);
SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[0], 100000);
SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[1], 100000);
SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[2], 100000);
if(vehicleid == GodCars[0])
SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[0], 100000);
if(vehicleid == GodCars[1])
SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[1], 100000);
new GodCars[6];
GodCars[0] = AddStaticVehicleEx(411,1507.6937,1174.0288,326.1282,359.4708,116,1, 20); // infe lv GodCars[1] = AddStaticVehicleEx(411,1504.5143,1174.0742,326.1289,359.1254,112,1, 20); // infe lv 1 GodCars[2] = AddStaticVehicleEx(411,1501.4204,1174.0099,326.1299,359.5850,106,1, 20); // infe lv GodCars[3] = AddStaticVehicleEx(411,1495.9490,1173.9745,326.1282,359.8535,80,1, 20); // infe lv GodCars[4] = AddStaticVehicleEx(411,1492.8213,1174.0062,326.1282,359.4546,75,1, 20); // infe lv GodCars[5] = AddStaticVehicleEx(411,1489.5162,1173.9971,326.1259,0.3766,12,1, 20); // infe lv
public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid) { if(vehicleid == GodCars[0]) { SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[0], 100000); } if(vehicleid == GodCars[1]) { SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[1], 100000); } if(vehicleid == GodCars[2]) { SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[2], 100000); } if(vehicleid == GodCars[3]) { SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[3], 100000); } if(vehicleid == GodCars[4]) { SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[4], 100000); } if(vehicleid == GodCars[5]) { SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[5], 100000); } }
Originally Posted by Seif_
You too.
pawn Код:
Originally Posted by Schock
wont work i addet it like this:
new GodCars[6]; Код:
GodCars[0] = AddStaticVehicleEx(411,1507.6937,1174.0288,326.1282,359.4708,116,1, 20); // infe lv GodCars[1] = AddStaticVehicleEx(411,1504.5143,1174.0742,326.1289,359.1254,112,1, 20); // infe lv 1 GodCars[2] = AddStaticVehicleEx(411,1501.4204,1174.0099,326.1299,359.5850,106,1, 20); // infe lv GodCars[3] = AddStaticVehicleEx(411,1495.9490,1173.9745,326.1282,359.8535,80,1, 20); // infe lv GodCars[4] = AddStaticVehicleEx(411,1492.8213,1174.0062,326.1282,359.4546,75,1, 20); // infe lv GodCars[5] = AddStaticVehicleEx(411,1489.5162,1173.9971,326.1259,0.3766,12,1, 20); // infe lv Код:
public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid) { if(vehicleid == GodCars[0]) { SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[0], 100000); } if(vehicleid == GodCars[1]) { SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[1], 100000); } if(vehicleid == GodCars[2]) { SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[2], 100000); } if(vehicleid == GodCars[3]) { SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[3], 100000); } if(vehicleid == GodCars[4]) { SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[4], 100000); } if(vehicleid == GodCars[5]) { SetVehicleHealth(GodCars[5], 100000); } } |
Originally Posted by Schock
it dont work ... can someone post a working part?
forward IsAGodCars(carid); new GodCars1(carid); new GodCars2(carid); public IsAGodCars(carid) { if(carid == GodCars1 || carid == GodCars2) { return 1; } return 0; } Ongamemodeinit: GodCars1 = CreateVehicle(411,1507.6937,1174.0288,326.1282,359.4708,116,1, 20,300000); // infe lv GodCars2 = CreateVehicle(411,1504.5143,1174.0742,326.1289,359.1254,112,1, 20,300000); // infe lv 1 public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid) { if(IsAGodCars(vehicleid)) { DestroyVehicle(vehicleid); if(vehicleid == GodCars1) {CreateVehicle(411,1507.6937,1174.0288,326.1282,359.4708,116,1, 20,300000); } else if(vehicleid == GodCars2) {CreateVehicle(411,1504.5143,1174.0742,326.1289,359.1254,112,1, 20,300000);} SetVehicleHealth(vehicleid, 2000); // Set Car HP 2000 } return 1; }