[FilterScript] [FS] « MellAdmin » - Advanced Account System [ ZCMD | SSCANF | MYSQL R7 | DINI | MD5 | VIP | 60+ commands]


« MellAdmin »

v1.2 R3

This script is outdated and I do not give support anymore. I might create MellAdmin 2.0 with MySQL R38 in future but no promisses.
Author: Mellnik
Current Version: 1.2 R3
Scriptlines: over 4000
Release Date: 25/08/2012

  • Login/Register dialogs
  • Autologin (can be disabled at top of script)
  • MD5 Password encryption (include by ******)
  • Threaded mysql querys
  • Custom Admin levels
  • Needed admin level at least for a command can be set at top of the script
  • You can easily make your own commands with adminlevel/viplevel checking
  • VIP System with custom levels (needed VIP level can be easily set)
  • VIP Chat write ! in front of you message and it will be send to all vips
  • More than 60 commands. Common ones und uncommon
  • The highest level admin is imune to all commands
  • Every command with parameters is scripted with SSCANF
  • Every command with parameters accept playerids or nickname/part of nick
  • Custon ban system with dialogs
  • Script support for the latest samp/plugin version
  • Anti Caps lock (admins can disable it ingame)
  • Report system
  • AKA System players with the same IP will be shown by typing /aka [id]
  • Many script settings, everything is toggleable at the top of the script with true|false
  • High Level admins can enable/disable server settings
  • Aniti Advertising (anti IP) (can be disabled at top of script)
  • Random messages (can be disabled at top of script)
  • Jail system
  • Vehicle Spawn system with dialogs (for admins and/or players can be set at top of the script)
  • Max bad rcon attemps
  • Position, skin saving! (can be disabled at top of script if they should spawn by their last pos)
  • Many commands to check the legit of players
  • Players can only use chat/commands if the are logged in
  • Private Message System (can be disabled at top of script)
  • Anti High Ping system implemented (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?pid=2067896#pid2067896)
  • Spectae system (can be disabled at top of script)
  • All commands are written in ZCMD (one of the fastest command processor)
  • And much more


Status (0 = offline, 1 = online, 2 = banned)
Last used IP
Password hash
Positon (XPos, YPos, ZPos)
Admin Level
VIP Level
Wanted Level
Last used skin
Times kicked
Times reported
Times Spawned
Register Date
BanReason (if banned)
Banned by (if banned)
Ban date  (if banned)

60+ available commands:

COMMAND:   define which will set the needed admin level:

/vips                Not an admin command
/pay                 Not an admin command
/admins              Not an admin command
/time                Not an admin command
/pm                  Not an admin command
/stats               Not an admin command
/report              Not an admin command
/changepass          Not an admin command
/togping             LEVEL_togping    
/reports             LEVEL_reports           
/spec                LEVEL_spec
/onduty              LEVEL_onduty (also affect cmd offduty)
/enable              LEVEL_enable
/disable             LEVEL_disable
/adminhelp           LEVEL_adminhelp
/mytime              LEVEL_mytime
/eject               LEVEL_eject
/burn                LEVEL_burn
/crash               LEVEL_crash
/ip                  LEVEL_ip
/asay                LEVEL_asay
/announce            LEVEL_announce
/goto                LEVEL_goto
/get                 LEVEL_get
/kick                LEVEL_kick
/mute                LEVEL_mute
/unmute              LEVEL_unmute
/ban                 LEVEL_ban
/warn                LEVEL_warn
/slap                LEVEL_slap
/setadminlevel       LEVEL_setadminlevel
/setviplevel         LEVEL_setviplevel
/richlist            LEVEL_richlist
/unfreeze            LEVEL_unfreeze
/freeze              LEVEL_freeze
/clearchat           LEVEL_clearchat
/move                LEVEL_move
/healall             LEVEL_healall
/armourall           LEVEL_armourall
/setallweather       LEVEL_setallweather
/setalltime          LEVEL_setalltime
/cashfall            LEVEL_cashfall
/scorefall           LEVEL_scorefall
/jail                LEVEL_jail
/unjail              LEVEL_unjail
/wanteds             LEVEL_wanteds
/jailed              LEVEL_jailed
/frozen              LEVEL_frozen
/akill               LEVEL_akill
/showguns            LEVEL_showguns
/morning             LEVEL_morning
/miniguns            LEVEL_miniguns
/muted               LEVEL_muted
/killall             LEVEL_killall
/kickall             LEVEL_kickall
/setallwanted        LEVEL_setallwanted
/disarmall           LEVEL_disarmall
/ejectall            LEVEL_ejectall
/giveallweapon       LEVEL_giveallweapon
/spawnveh            LEVEL_spawnveh
/setmoney            LEVEL_setallmoney
/setscore            LEVEL_setscore
/setwanted           LEVEL_setwanted
/sethealth           LEVEL_sethealth
/setarmour           LEVEL_setarmour
/aka                 LEVEL_aka

Script Settings:

setting:                   default:            info:
 SERVER_NAME            "my awesome server name"     your server name
 MAX_ADMIN_LEVEL   	(10)               Max. admin level
 MAX_VIP_LEVEL          (3)                Max. VIP level
 USE_AUTO_LOGIN         (false)            true = enable false = disable
 MAX_WARNINGS        	(3)                Max. Warnings before player gets kicked
 MAX_REPORTS            (10)               max. reports
 MAX_BAD_RCON_ATTEMPS   (2)                Max. bad rcon attemps
 ENABLE_SPECATE  	(true)             Enabling the specsystem
 USE_PM_SYSTEM       	(true)             Enabling the PM SYSTEM
 MAX_FAIL_LOGINS        (3)                by exceed player gets kicked
 MIN_PASS_LEN           (3)                min. password lengh
 MAX_PASS_LEN           (32)               max. password lengh
 USE_VIP_SYSTEM         (true)             true = enable false = disable
 USE_CHAT_BUBBELS       (true)             true = enable false = disable
 USE_ID_MESSAGES        (true)             eg.: "Mellnik(ID 42): Hello there!"
 ENABLE_ADMIN_CHAT      (true)             true = enable false = disable
 USE_RANDOM_MSGS        (true)             true = enable false = disable
 RAND_MSG_INTERVAL      (60)               random messages interval in seconds
 USE_ANTI_ADS           (true)             anti advertising true|false (anti ip in chat)
 MAX_PING    	        (350)              max. allowed ping | only works if you enable
 PINGCHECK_TIME      	(2)  	           ping check interval in seconds
 MAX_EXCEEDS         	(3)       	   how many times it is allowed to exceed the ping limit
 OPC_DELAY           	(4)       	   if you set USE_OPC_DELAY to true, you change the delay until the checktimer for the player will be executed (no need to change this)
 USE_OPC_DELAY       	(true)             when a player connect he always has a high ping true= player will be checked after he connected (5 seconds) false= player will be checked immediately after he connected (not recommend)
 IS_ADMIN_IMMUNE     	(true)    	   is an admin immune against the ping kicker (true|false)
 SEND_MSG_BYKICK     	(true)             send a message to all when a player gets kicked cause of high ping (true|false)
 SEND_ADM_BYEXCEED   	(true)             send message to admin when player exceeds the ping limit (true|false)
 SEND_PMSG_BYEXCEED  	(true)             send a message to player when he exceeds the ping limit (true|false)
 PRINT_BYKICK        	(true)    	   print message in server logs when player gets kicked (true|false)
 LOAD_PLAYER_POS     	(true)             Should the player pos be be loaded by first spawn?
 LOAD_PLAYER_HA         (true)             load player health and armour by login? (true|false|
 NO_PERM                 "Insufficient permissions"  this is the message which will be send to the player if he hasnt the needed adminlevel

Installation/How to use:

  1. Download the full package below.
  2. Add the includes to your real include folder.
  3. Recompile the script with your settings and read the comments to avoid problems!
  4. Upload the script into the filterscripts folder on your server
  5. Add "MellAdmin" to your filterscripts line in the server.cfg and "sscanf" to plugins line (if you use mysql you also have to add "mysql")
    filterscripts MellAdmin
    WINDOWS: plugins sscanf mysql
    LINUX: plugins sscanf.so mysql.so
  6. If you use DINI:
    1. Create folder named "Account" in your scriptfiles directory
  7. If you use MySQL
    1. Import the Account.sql file to your database e.g. phpMyAdmin or Navicat
    2. Make sure that you have set the mysql login settings correct in your script
  8. Your server should now be ready to start. If you have problems post your server_log file and describe your problem

How to make yourself admin/vip:
  1. Log into RCON
  2. type /setadminlevel <your id> <the max admin level>
  3. for VIP type /setviplevel <your id> <the max VIP level>
  4. You are now admin and VIP

[Scripting] How to check if someone has admin/vip level:

pawn Код:
COMMAND:mycommand(playerid,params[]) //zcmd command
    #pragma unused params  //if you dont need the params in this command
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] >= HERE COMMES THE NEEDED ADMIN LEVEL)
         //your code comes here
        SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Insufficient permissions");
    return 1;

COMMAND:myvipcommand(playerid,params[]) //zcmd command
    #pragma unused params  //if you dont need the params in this command
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] >= HERE COMMES THE NEEDED VIP LEVEL)
         //your code comes here only useable for the vip level or higher
        SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Insufficient VIP permissions");
    return 1;


Please read:
  • By downloading you accept that you will not upload this script yourself
  • If you have suggestions or problems post them
  • MySQL R6 or lower will not work !
  • ZCMD by ZeeX, Dini by DracoBlue, MD5 include by ******
  • Please report all bugs you found, use this:
    Describe the bug:
    When does it appear?
    Does it always appear or just randomly?
    What else happens when you use this bug?

  1. libmysql.dll
    Getting this message by starting on windows?
    This application has failed to start because libmysql.dll can not be found.
    Solution: Download http://files.g-stylezzz.com/libmySQL.dll and put it in your samp root directory

  • 1.2 R3(09/12/2012)
    *Fixed the message by /jail (reported by Hansolue)
  • 1.2 R2(20/11/2012)
    *AntiSpam rewritten
    *Fixed some small warnings and errors when using defferent settings (reported by chip9)
  • 1.2(13/11/2012)
    *Readded the md5 include
    *The script is now licensed under Apache 2.0
  • 1.1 R2(24/10/2012)
    *Flip command added
    *3 small bugs fixed
  • 1.1 (28/8/2012)
    * [Added] AKA system (Suggested by Hoss) aka.txt will be created in the scriptfiles, if you use dini. Otherwise if you use MySQL, registered players with the same IP will be shown in a dialog. (/aka [id])
    * [Added] /sethealth /setarmour command
    * [Added] Health & Armour saving (loading can be disabled by the script settings
    * [Fixed] disable command
  • 1.0 (25/8/2012)
    * Release

Plugins you need:
>> sscanf 2.6 by ****** download: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=120356 (I didn't test it with 2.8.1 yet)
>> mysql R7 by BlueG download: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=56564

Latest Version: http://files.mellnik.com/old/

Good job

Nice work!

Glad you like it. Also post some suggestions

Nice Admin script.
Keep going...

Why MySQL?

Originally Posted by xkirill
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Why MySQL?
Why INI ?

MySQL is much faster and offers more advantages.

This administration system looks great.

Originally Posted by xkirill
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Why MySQL?
xD you even know what mysql is?^^

good job mellnik keep it up

Originally Posted by Mellnik
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xD you even know what mysql is?^^
Yes,but i dunno what does people use it.

Good job.

Originally Posted by Adrenaline Stunt World
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Mell, Nice FS. i WIll Use in My Server Soon.
And i Repped You GIve Me Back When You Can
This thread is not a Rep4Rep center sry btw you cant rep with less than 50 posts i think

Originally Posted by xkirill
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Yes,but i dunno what does people use it.
Because its a hundert times faster than normal file system by samp i guess
Also better administration, easier control panel coding and so on

I cant say anything.
Its the best admin fs for me.(Won't use it tho )
I downloaded your script and i took some ideas on how to make my own,do you mind?
Also i like your style.
Good job dude.

Originally Posted by Johnson_Brooks
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I cant say anything.
Its the best admin fs for me.(Won't use it tho )
I downloaded your script and i took some ideas on how to make my own,do you mind?
Also i like your style.
Good job dude.
Sure you can take some things from the script.

Thanks for the rep but it wont count to the shown ones because you have less than 50 posts ^^

Originally Posted by xkirill
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Yes,but i dunno what does people use it.
Either do I, prefer Y_INI. People suggest MySQL due to the fact it's web-based and has more features to it than, INI.

On-Topic : Nice Filterscript , won't use it.

Cool I Like This System

One question, why everyone is like WTF MYSQL ?? NO TY ?
Mysql is much better/faster than .ini,easy to use. Also you can easily make a website with stats...

Originally Posted by Mr_DjolE
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One question, why everyone is like WTF MYSQL ?? NO TY ?
Mysql is much better/faster than .ini,easy to use. Also you can easily make a website with stats...
The MySQL is like Database

Nice script!
+rep you!

Great job dude I want to put my all gamemode at mysql R7, and this will help me very much

Thank you

Why you don't use caches?

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