[TUTORIAL][SA:MP] Server Configuration ( server.cfg ) Tutorial

Hi, all! I am Vinnie. I made this tutorial on Server Configuration, rather than going to the SA-MP Wiki. It is much more easier to check here, since i will be explaining it by simple words

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Executable commands which is NOT in the server.cfg

*echo : sampserver.exe echos to the server.cfg, to see which/what file does it needs to run to make the server work. You won't need to edit this, since the person who controls the whole data can see it. By default ( Default is default, you can't change it ), it will say 'Executing Server Config...'

Every command words available in the Configuration file

*lanmode : Turning LAN mode on will use more of your internet's bandwidth, but it will make your server more accurate. You can turn on by replacing 0 with 1. By default, lanmode is set to 0

*rcon_password : RCON means Remote Control, and by me, Administration. This is the most powerful administrator control center. Even though you are the owner, and have the highest rank that no one can ban, kick, etc.., only RCON can ban any player online in a server ( This includes any Administrators, including owner rank ). It will show rcon_password changeme . You have to change changeme to whatever password you want to. After changing the password, start your server, and when you are in the server, type /rcon login whatever password you typed in server.cfg

*maxplayers : This is the max. amount of players your server can allow. By changing the number, you can change it to 1 to 99. ( Note that i didn't say 500 ) I didn't say 500 because when you are going to host a 500 slot server, you need to PM Kalcor what, and why does your server needs 500 slots. The default number is 500 ( You have to change it ).

*port : The port in which the server needs to communicate can be found here. You either have to buy a Hoster to host your server globally, or port-forward it.

*hostname : This is the name that will be displayed on the server browser, for example, the default is SA-MP 0.3 Server. You can change it, for example [0.3e]Test server

*gamemode(n) (N) (t) - It's possible to set the gamemode that plays, how many times it plays and when it plays by editing the values here. To use this correctly you must understand how it works, (n) is the gamemode number, (N) is the gamemode name*, and (t) is the times played before switching onto the next mode. By default this area will look like this:
gamemode0 lvdm 1
gamemode1 rivershell 1
gamemode2 area51 1
gamemode4 sftdm 1
*filterscripts : Filterscripts are scripts that run in the background of your gamemode, they are there to add extras to the server without editing the gamemode. It's very useful if you want to carry a specific property to more than one gamemode. To use this you must find the folder in your server folder named filterscripts and place your filterscripts (.amx) in there. (N) symbolizes the filterscript name*. By default this option is not here. If you have multiple filterscripts you want to load, put them all in a row separated by "space", e.g. filterscripts script1 script2.

*plugins : *plugins (N) - The plugins directive allows you to specify plugins which are designed to enhance gamemodes and filterscripts. (N) symbolizes the plugin's name. If you have multiple plugins you want to load, put them all in a row separated by "space", e.g. plugins plugin1 plugin2.

*weburl : This is where your server's website will be displayed on the bottom right. The default one is sa-mp.com. You can change it,

*attachments : This is not commonly used, because users have rarely made attachments for SA-MP, and i have never seen any attachments.

*announce - This toggles the server to be announced to SA-MP masterlist. Set to 1 to enable announcing or 0 to disable.

*mapname (m) - The mapname appears in the server browser. (m) symolizes the mapname. By default this is set to San Andreas.
**Replace [name] to anything you want, e.g. My-stunt-map
**The gamemode/filterscript name is the gamemodes/filterscripts compiled name in your gamemodes/filterscripts folder, all must match exactly except you must leave the .amx extension off.

*bind - Force the server to use a specific IP on a server. This IP must match one assigned to a network card on the server. This is useful for running multiple servers on the same port on the same box.

*maxnpc - The maximum number of NPCs that can join your server.

*onfoot_rate - The minimum time in milliseconds a client updates the server with new data while running/walking.

*incar_rate - The minimum time in milliseconds a client updates the server with new data while in a vehicle.

*weapon_rate - The minimum time in milliseconds a client updates the server with new data while firing a weapon.

*stream_distance - The distance on the X,Y plane which server entities will stream in for connected players.

*stream_rate - The number of milliseconds that must elapse before server entities stream distance is retested for each player.

A working CFG should look like this:
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password changeme
maxplayers 50
port 7777
hostname SA-MP 0.3 Server
gamemode0 grandlarc 1
filterscripts base gl_actions gl_property gl_realtime
announce 0
query 1
weburl www.sa-mp.com
maxnpc 10
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
NOTE : This is a modified one from the one in SA-MP Wiki, and re-made it myself!

Have any Questions? Feel free to post it here..

That's more of a copy-paste from sa-mp wiki.

Hmm... Copy-paste? I tried my best to make it more simpler, also i didn't knew some commands. I was trying to make it simpler and helpful...

This looks good but already there in wiki.sa-mp.com

Try to post something which is new/rare and better than before.

I know, thinking of other things

Look This

Are you kidding me ? Click Here

Hmmm, This place is wrong? Maybe this needs to be in "tutorials" section?

Yes, forgot, also, mine is more detailed...

this is old, but lol, nice arguement... Alcatraz Gaming's is WAY BETTER, i didnt understand the multiple gamemode thing until i saw this...

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