18.08.2012, 09:06
Последний раз редактировалось Mr.Vegas; 24.08.2012 в 07:45.
War Dogs [HOF] v1.0.2
it is a TDM between two teams with lots of features.
It have 5 teams to choose from.
Each class has its own abilities and powers.
Next thing,gamemode is between two teams:
Allied Team & Axis Team
There are a total of 8 maps in this gamemode
The Island
The City
The Bridge
The Fort
The Desert
The Armory
There are two or three capturable zones in each map,
The map changes depending on the teams tickets, whenever someone dies the teams tickets reduces by 1.
Player Commands :
/help - Dialog for changing class/team/spawn.
/capture - Capture a capturable zone.
/kill - Commit suicide.
/t - Team chat.
/stats - displays your stats
/ammo - Reload your ammo if at an ammo box.
/pm - Private message.
/l - Local chat.
/cmds - displays a full list of cmds.
/ask - Ask a question to an admin.
/admins - Displays the admins currently online.
/report - Report a player.
/spawn - Change your spawn location.
/fire - use a cannon.
/backup - get backup.
/fstyle - changing your fightstyle, depening on kills.
/repair - repair a vehicle if engineer.
/heal - heal another player if medic.
/s - squad chat.
/joins - join a squad.
/leaves - leave a squad.
/shelp - squad help.
Admin commands :
/ban - ban a player.
/kick - kick a player.
/maptp - enable/disable admin teleport.
/goto - goto another player.
/getto - get one player to another.
/gethere - get a player to you.
/set - command for setting stats.
/setmap - changing the map.
/fix - fix a vehicle.
/fixid - fix a vehicle (ID).
/an - answer a question.
/a - admin chat.
/check - check a players stats.
/thaw - thaw a player.
/freeze - freeze a player.
/spec - spectate a player.
/specoff - stop spectating a player.
/ann - admin announcement.
/cw - check a players weapons
/unban - unban an IP.
/nextmap - proceed to next map.
/warn - warn a player.
Other :
Features are
A Different cross hair for player
A Sound player use /sound player
Rank Shooter | List of Top 5 Shooters
Download Link : http://www.mediafire.com/?ap125ihnwujf6rw
Pics Coming Soon
Gamemode is bought to you by [HOF] Hall of Fame Clan
Please visit www.gametalkz.com
If you have any queries "this page"