Radio texts above your character.

Hello there, let me explain what i request;

In a RP situtation, when someone talks near to you, you hear what he say, and you act when you hear it. Basically, when he types somethings from /r or /wt it appears above your character. In my current server, it doesn't. Can someone help me?

/wt = Walkie talkie cmd for regular users that bought walkie talkie from market
/r = Radio cmd for factions

Thank you from now.

because its a command.
use this to make a text above head thingy -
and use this function to attach the 3d text to player -

P.S. use array to store the text label id(s)

My english language is kinda bad, could you send me it as a code? I'm not good with pawno also. I just know how to copy lol. Just tell me what you need to know :=)

Example of SetPlayerChatBubble

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
    SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid, "[ I'm newbie here ]", COLOR_RED, 30.0,60000);

    return 1;

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