[FilterScript] [FS] >> L Admin 4 - Adminscript << [stats/weap/place saving | Over 150 CMDS]

LethaL Adminscript

Current Version: LAdmin4v2
Date Released: 29/07/2008
Lines: 6,700
  • Auto Login
  • Admins can save their favourite skin and use it every time they spawn
  • Stats Saving (kills, deaths, money, weapons), location saving
  • Loads of cmds
  • Loads of menus for vehicles, weapons,teleports etc
  • Report system, send message to admins and saves to a file. Admins can type /reports to see latest reports
  • Command for admins to save a location to file and teleport to it at any time
  • Ping Kick
  • Anti bot system
  • Anti spam& Anti swear & ANTI CAPS
  • Lock Server
  • 13 tuned carspawns commands (/ltc) and a tuning cmd which gives u nos, hydrallics,paint etc
More Features
  • Highest Admin Is immune from commands
  • Dueling command
  • RCON commands availble for highest level admins
  • 28 Menus, including San Andreas Teleport menus, weapon and vehicle spawn menus
  • Custom jail command (with jail time)

The Commands
Level 1
getinfo, weaps, vr, repair, ltune, lhy, lnos, lp, asay, ping, lslowmo, ltc, morning, adminarea, reports, richlist, miniguns, saveplacae, gotoplace, saveskin, useskin, dontuseskin.

Level 2
giveweapon, setcolour, lockcar, unlockcar, burn, spawn, disarm, lcar, lbike, lheli, lboat, lplane, hightlight, announce, announce2, screen, jetpack, flip, goto, vgoto, lgoto, fu, warn, slap, jailed, frozen, mute, unmute, muted, laston, lspec, lspecoff, lspecvehicle, clearchat, lmenu, ltele, cm, ltmenu, write.

Level 3
sethealth, setarmour, setcash, setscore, setskin, setwanted, setname, setweather, settime, setworld, setinterior, force, eject, bankrupt, sbankrupt, ubound, lweaps, lammo, countdown, duel, car, carhealth, carcolour, setping, setgravity, destroycar, teleplayer, vget, givecar, gethere, get, kick, explode, jail, unjail, freeze, unfreeze, akill,aka, disablechat, clearallchat, caps, move, moveplayer, healall, armourall, setallskin, setallwanted, setallweather, setalltime, setallworld, setallscore, setallcash, giveallcash, giveallweapon, lweather, ltime, lweapons.

Level 4
crash, enable, disable, god, godcar, die, ban, rban, settemplevel, uconfig, botcheck, lockserver, unlockserver, forbidname, forbidword, invis, uninvis, killinvis, fakedeath, spawnall, muteall, unmuteall, getall, killall, freezeall, unfreezeall, kickall, slapalll, explodeall, disarmall, ejectall.

Level 5
god, sgod, setlevel, pickup, object, fakechat, spam

info, aka, pm, asay, ann, uconfig, chat

New rcon commands to use whilst off the server. Type into rcon window
  • "info" to view server stats.
  • "asay" sends a message to admins only
  • "pm" sends a personal message to a user
New account cmds: /changepass, /resetstats

How To Install
1. Copy the 'ladmin' folder into scriptfiles (or create all the necessary folders)
2. Copy 'ladmin.amx' and 'ladmin.pwn' into filterscripts folder
3. To complie you will need 'lethaldudb2.inc' in the includes folder
4. Add 'ladmin' to your server.cfg next to filterscripts (must be the first filterscript)

There are 5 levels, Level 1 = member, levels 2, 3, 4 are admins and level 5 for the server owner

How to make yourself admin:
1. Connect to serverregister then disconnect
2. Open your newly saved file, where it says level=0 change the 0 to 5
3. Connect to the server again and you r now the highest level admin

How to make other players admin
Type /setlevel [ID] [Level] (note the player must be registered)

To Change the Level of a Command
Do CTRL + F to find the command then change the number after >= to the level you want

To Change this command from level 2 to level 4
Original Code
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 2) {
Replace 2 with 4
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 4) {

Using Player Admin Level in another filterscript or gamemode
1. Put the file IsPlayerLAdmin.inc in your includes folder
2. add the following line to the top of your gamemode
pawn Код:
#include <IsPlayerLAdmin>
3. Now you can use:
pawn Код:
if (IsPlayerLAdmin(playerid)) ....
pawn Код:
if (IsPlayerAdminLevel(playerid, 4)) ... // where 4 is the level. this can be any level you want

  • Darkimmortal - for the car menu system
  • /warn - Andre9977
  • spec - kyeman / Hamm3r
  • DracoBlue - dudb , dutils, dini
  • rcon "msg" - yom
  • /crash - Seif[P7]
  • Anti Swear - based on Boylett's anti swear


Version 2.2 (OLD)
Version 2.2 LAdmin2 (mediafire.com)
Version 2.2 (megaupload.com)

Version 3 (OLD)
Version 3 LAdmin3


LAdmin 4 (Latest)
Download LAdmin4v2

I no longer script anything for samp. There will not be any future releases. Please do not PM me about this adminscript. Thank you.

Nice release man, i love it !


Looks great! I've been looking for a decent admin script for ages! My server will be using it .

Well Done.

Nice admin script im sure gonna use it :P

Originally Posted by Rks25
Nice release man, i love it !

Originally Posted by Puffmac
Looks great! I've been looking for a decent admin script for ages! My server will be using it .

Well Done.

looks nice. want a mirror?

Originally Posted by Alejandro
looks nice. want a mirror?
Thanks Sure,you can mirror but it may get updated soon

I can also provide a mirror if needed. PS Tested your script... Thankyou!



Give me credits for MY /warn command.

hey dude its a nice admin sys and i was looking for one but the menus are bugged ( model limit exceed ) so do a menu with just few things like nrg infernus vortex hydra maverick and a rancher thats all

EDIT: ive changed the menus.... but BUGS : /settime is changing world time not just for player and says SET WHEATER command bla bla ... fix the bugs :P and /mute doesn t work... unmute does... REST : IS KEWL... thnx

EDIT2: maybe u could add a simpler Tune cmd... like the menu in xAdmin with just nos ... 2 or 3 types of wheels and hydraulics

EDIT3: ITS FULL OF BUGS... im using it AND ITS FULL OF BUGS... /kick and ban doesn t always work... neither warn or slap... FIX IT DUDE i really liked it

Its kewl... ... maybe fix a lil


ITS NOT FULL OF BUGS no1 else has had any problem with it
EDIT: I have spoken to cmg and now know that the reason it doesnt work for him is that he has edited the script and removed vital parts of it.
edit by me: BTW highest level admins r immune i.e. u cant get kicked from ur own server
set player time and weather going to be added along with new menus. EDIT: Added

Yeah, sorry, it was really looking like mines.

New Version released. All known bugs Fixed including slap and menus

New car spawn and tuning menus available. Setplayer time and weather


Good work

When i compile, i have one warning:
\filterscripts\LAdminR2.pwn(498) : warning 225: unreachable code
Well, that\'s not matter, but when i enter to server, it loads your copyright-textdraw, but then samp-server.exe closes, and it can\'t connect to server. So, anyone else have this?

Originally Posted by Skole
When i compile, i have one warning:
\filterscripts\LAdminR2.pwn(498) : warning 225: unreachable code
Well, that\'s not matter, but when i enter to server, it loads your copyright-textdraw, but then samp-server.exe closes, and it can\'t connect to server. So, anyone else have this?
Yes this also happens to me

This may be silly but have u got the ladmin folder in scriptfiles folder it must have the config.ini file inside it inorder to load !

I had a go at deliberately trying to crash it and found this is the only way u could b doing it. have u removed the server message Bcos U can change it by typing /setsm in game (without sm it wont load)


Originally Posted by LethaL
This may be silly but have u got the ladmin folder in scriptfiles folder it must have the config.ini file inside it inorder to load !

I had a go at deliberately trying to crash it and found this is the only way u could b doing it. have u removed the server message Bcos U can change it by typing /setsm in game (without sm it wont load)

Don\'t matter i use Xadmin instead

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