It allways says "game mode restarting". Help!

It is like this. When i want to get in the game...the first connection is successful, but 2-3 second later is just sayz "game mode restarting", then it is again, "connection successuull", but then same thing with the "game mode restarting" happens. This lasts like a 5 or six days now. I have reinstall twice GTA SA, and reinstall twice SAMP. Made anti spyware cleanup and antivirus cleanup. And now i don't know what to do anymore! Need some suggestions please.

Need more info.

What server are you trying to connect to? IP?

Does it do this on all servers you try to connect to?

It is the Above ultimate server called "Hydra Blast". The ip is And, yea, it happens on all servers. I simply don't know what else have i forget to do? Nothing comes on my mind anymore.

it haopend to me even forgot what i did try reinstalling sa-mp and tell me if it works

well, i kinda reinstalled it like 17 times so far, and suprisingly...still the same

Well something like that happens to me sometimes...I play as usual, and then it says "gamemode restarting". But this happens after playing some minutes, about 10 or 15.

I asked about this problem on IRC, and someone told me that's a normal crash.

Mmmm wich i don't know how to fix...

This is soooo fuckin anoooying!! Why won't anything work to solve this shit!!

Try cleaning your computer.
Make it very clean clean cpu,graphichcard,fan etc

I Have the Same Problam!!!

And Nothing works for me i reinstalled it!
Disconected my router and modem! Resteted them like 999 times
Chnaged my IP open ports and nothing works!

it also do the same problam on all the PC's that are connecting to the network...

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