31.07.2012, 09:31
Suggestions for future SA:MP updates
31.07.2012, 10:26
Limiter on bikes while jumping
31.07.2012, 10:40
31.07.2012, 12:06
Making servers in server.cfg add the server type 0 DM 1TDM and so, so players press afilter and only the ecific servers appear
31.07.2012, 12:51
That's a nice idea Jua but it needs more game-types listed then :
Originally Posted by Main Game-Types
0 - Unknown / Other
1 - DM / TDM 2 - Freeroam 3 - RPG / RP |
31.07.2012, 13:26
31.07.2012, 13:30
31.07.2012, 13:35
31.07.2012, 14:55
Just play with variables. Const damage for any guns, When the Vehicle HP < amount = explode.
31.07.2012, 15:28
Just play with variables. Const damage for any guns, When the Vehicle HP < amount = explode.
I needs to be implemented in the SA-MP's source code.
31.07.2012, 20:05
Just made that:

31.07.2012, 21:35
Nice! That would be done with the Object Text functions too, but a pre-textured object would be cool

01.08.2012, 12:03
You can also use a custom ban system which would tell the player the reason why he is banned.
And for example, some noob ass scripter would do this:
pawn Код:
Another suggestion: Leaving us to disable objective from SetVehicleParamsForPlayer without respawning the vehicle.
SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, false);
AttachMapIconToPlayer(playerid, mapicon)
AttachMapIconToVehicle(vehicleid, mapicon) |
AttachMapIconToObject(objectid, mapicon);
01.08.2012, 13:55
01.08.2012, 20:46
What about adding multi-player stuff?
Aiming your cursor and shooting vehicles
Different aiming in vehicle
and all the shit the single-player multiplayer can do..
Aiming your cursor and shooting vehicles
Different aiming in vehicle
and all the shit the single-player multiplayer can do..
01.08.2012, 20:53
What about adding multi-player stuff?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxfDwIunLGw Aiming your cursor and shooting vehicles Different aiming in vehicle and all the shit the single-player multiplayer can do.. |
01.08.2012, 20:56
Yes good idea.
03.08.2012, 09:03
Nicee! Much effort eh :P
03.08.2012, 17:24
Последний раз редактировалось davve95; 03.08.2012 в 19:43.
Add some other grass (That were deleted) I mean like desert grass etc..
Add some new other grass similar to that we had before.. So it dosen't make issues etc...
It looks much better! And u get another gaming "feeling"...
Would be good if we had it in different sizes small, medium, big, huge..
Also on this pic it look's much more like a war server with that grass...
Pic: In attachments.
1 more idea!:
A carvan object with "normal" wheels that u can attach to vehicle! Would be epic...
Edit2: In client add wich launge the server are using, to left (There it says players etc)..
Add some new other grass similar to that we had before.. So it dosen't make issues etc...
It looks much better! And u get another gaming "feeling"...
Would be good if we had it in different sizes small, medium, big, huge..
Also on this pic it look's much more like a war server with that grass...
Pic: In attachments.
1 more idea!:
A carvan object with "normal" wheels that u can attach to vehicle! Would be epic...
Edit2: In client add wich launge the server are using, to left (There it says players etc)..
03.08.2012, 19:29
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