30.07.2012, 19:20
Last edited by Rudy_; 12/10/2014 at 10:22 AM.
Reason: asd
Super Sonic Laser's
By Rudy - with alot of help from Southclaw- Thanks again
----Fixed Script Link--------
Hey Guys, Here i'm with another great Filterscript.This script allowes you to shoot lasers from your vehicle with timer.You need to wait 1 second before shooting laser.The laser explodes after some distance but if there's any vehicle/player in the laser/missile's way then it will explode near the player.For laser's/missiles i've used Neon's with different colors that makes it more cool.
● Fixed some Bugs.
● More colors (for missile's/laser's)
● Added a timer so you need to wait 1 sec after each shoot.
● Randomized Missiles/Laser's colors and rotations to make it look more cooler
● The weather changes to night itself so the missiles look cool. (Only for the player who shoots laser)
● Works with any Vehicle.
LMB - Shoot missiles/lasers.

Pastebin: Click
Super Sonic Laser's
By Rudy - with alot of help from Southclaw- Thanks again
----Fixed Script Link--------
Hey Guys, Here i'm with another great Filterscript.This script allowes you to shoot lasers from your vehicle with timer.You need to wait 1 second before shooting laser.The laser explodes after some distance but if there's any vehicle/player in the laser/missile's way then it will explode near the player.For laser's/missiles i've used Neon's with different colors that makes it more cool.
● Fixed some Bugs.
● More colors (for missile's/laser's)
● Added a timer so you need to wait 1 sec after each shoot.
● Randomized Missiles/Laser's colors and rotations to make it look more cooler
● The weather changes to night itself so the missiles look cool. (Only for the player who shoots laser)
● Works with any Vehicle.
LMB - Shoot missiles/lasers.

Pastebin: Click
pawn Code:
//---------------------Thanks to Everyone For Helping--------------" " '
//---------------------Very Very Special Thanks to Southclaw------- " " '
//----------------------------------------------------------------- " " '
//------------------SA-MP Team/Incognito-------------------------- " " '
//-----------------------------And all who helped------------------ " '
//----------------------Thanks Twixx appreciate your testings------ " '
//--------------------------------""""""--------------------------- " '
//-------------------------------" "-------------------------- " '
//------------------------------" "------------------------- " '
//------------------------------" "------------------------- " '
//------------------------------""""""""""------------------------- "
//--------------------------------- --------------------------- "
//------------------------And Making Scripting easier----------- "
//-------------------------------And Me(Script)-------------- "