26.07.2012, 22:45
Hey im trying to get the gate to be straight but it just wont move a damn cm. Help.
Its a gate that moves up and down. But added the pos for it and the rotation angle but it wont work.
Here is my code
And here is the object id.
When the gete is up:
When it is in the middle
And when its down
Its a gate that moves up and down. But added the pos for it and the rotation angle but it wont work.
Here is my code
#include <a_samp> #define FILTERSCRIPT #if defined FILTERSCRIPT forward GateTimer(); new Timer; //allows killtimer // ######################## EDIT THESE ########################## #define TOLERANCE 20 #define OPENSPEED 2 #define CLOSESPEED 2 #define TIMERSPEED 1500 //(MILLISeconds, eg 1000 = 1, 2000 = 2, 1500 = 1.5) const GateNum = 1; //number of gates present (defines other arrays) // ############################################################## const MiscObjNum = 5; new Float:GateInfo[GateNum][9]; //stores all gate c-ords (Start, Fnish, Center) new GateState[GateNum]; //Whether the gate is open closed (not currently in use) new OpenGate[GateNum]; //Whether or not to open the gate when the loop finishes new GateObject[GateNum]; //stores gate object ID's new MiscObject[MiscObjNum];//stores misc object ID's new Float:Tempx, Float:Tempy, Float:Tempz; //Holds player position during loops new Float:xtol1, Float:xtol2, Float:ytol1, Float:ytol2; //Holds area bounds during loops public OnFilterScriptInit() { Timer = SetTimer("GateTimer", TIMERSPEED, true); // ######################## ADD TO THESE ########################## // MakeGate(ObjectID, StartX, StarY, StartZ, FinishX, FinishY, FinishZ, CenterX, CenterY, CenterZ, Rotation, GateNumber); MakeGate(987, -51.799999237061, 1495.3000488281, 11.800000190735, -51.799999237061, 1495.3000488281, 5.5,-51.799999237061, 1495.3000488281, 9.6999998092651, 358, 0); // Ice Road Trucker gate // ################################################################ return 1; } public OnFilterScriptExit() { for(new tempgate=0; tempgate<GateNum; tempgate++) { DestroyObject(GateObject[tempgate]); } for(new tempgate=0; tempgate<MiscObjNum; tempgate++) { DestroyObject(MiscObject[tempgate]); } KillTimer(Timer); return 1; } #else #endif public GateTimer() { for(new tempgate=0; tempgate<GateNum; tempgate++) { for(new pid=0; pid<MAX_PLAYERS; pid++) { if(OpenGate[tempgate] == 0/* && IsPlayerAdmin(pid) == 1*/) OpenGate[tempgate] = IsPlayerNearGate(pid, tempgate, TOLERANCE); } if(OpenGate[tempgate] == 1) MoveObject(GateObject[tempgate], GateInfo[tempgate][3], GateInfo[tempgate][4], GateInfo[tempgate][5], OPENSPEED), GateState[tempgate] = 1; else MoveObject(GateObject[tempgate], GateInfo[tempgate][0], GateInfo[tempgate][1], GateInfo[tempgate][2], CLOSESPEED), GateState[tempgate] = 0; OpenGate[tempgate] = 0; } } MakeGate(z, Float:a, Float:b, Float:c, Float:d, Float:e, Float:f, Float:g, Float:h, Float:i, Float:j, k) { GateInfo[k][0] = a, GateInfo[k][1] = b, GateInfo[k][2] = c; //Start GateInfo[k][3] = d, GateInfo[k][4] = e, GateInfo[k][5] = f; //Finish GateInfo[k][6] = g, GateInfo[k][7] = h, GateInfo[k][8] = i; //Center GateState[k] = 0; //Gate Closed GateObject[k] = CreateObject(z ,a, b, c, 0.0,0.0,j); } stock IsPlayerNearGate(pid, tempgate, tolerance) { GetPlayerPos(pid, Tempx, Tempy, Tempz); xtol1 = GateInfo[tempgate][6] + tolerance; xtol2 = GateInfo[tempgate][6] - tolerance; ytol1 = GateInfo[tempgate][7] + tolerance; ytol2 = GateInfo[tempgate][7] - tolerance; if(Tempx >= xtol2 && Tempx <= xtol1 && Tempy >= ytol2 && Tempy <= ytol1) return 1; return 0; }
When the gete is up:
CreateObject(987, -51.799999237061, 1495.3000488281, 11.800000190735, 0, 0, 318.70239257813);
CreateObject(987, -51.799999237061, 1495.3000488281, 9.6999998092651, 0, 0, 318.70239257813);
CreateObject(987, -51.799999237061, 1495.3000488281, 5.5, 0, 0, 318.70239257813);