Server crashs whenever I type anything

Uhmm, so. Whenever I turn the server online (linux, hosted in volt-host) and go in-game and type anything (not command) the whole server crashs for unkown reasons. I have all the includes updates, plugins and everything.

But, whenever I go ig and type a command, e.g: /stats, It works. But when I type anything e.g: hi, hello etc

the server crashs.

I also ran Native Checker, but no errors shows up.

Did you search for the reason under OnPlayerText?

Considering it doesn't crash when using commands, the problem will more or likely be in that area of code.

I have a feeling that this is the reason for the crash:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
    new string[128];
    if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid))return 1;

    if(CurGMX == 2)
        SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "[Error] Server is restarting.");
        return 0;

        new string5555[256];
        format(string5555, sizeof(string5555), "%s maybe Server Advertising. [Text: %s]", RemoveUnderScore(playerid), text);
        SendToAdmins(RED, string5555, 0);
        return false;

    if(!strcmp(text, "lol", true))
        if(Player[playerid][Authenticated] == 1)
            if(Player[playerid][RPQuiz] != 1)
               format(string, sizeof(string), "[Auto Jail] %s has been Admin Jailed [Reason: Using \"LOL\" on an IC chat.]", RemoveUnderScore(playerid));
               SendClientMessageToAll(LBLUE, string);
               SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Remember: Do NOT use OOC chat terms on an IC chat.");
               Player[playerid][PrisonDuration] = 15*60;
               Player[playerid][PrisonID] = 1;
               SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Prison1Int);
               SetPlayerPos(playerid, Prison1X, Prison1Y, Prison1Z);
               SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, Prison1World);
               return 0;
    else if(!strcmp(text, "rofl", true))
        if(Player[playerid][Authenticated] == 1)
            if(Player[playerid][RPQuiz] != 1)
               format(string, sizeof(string), "[Auto Jail] %s has been Admin Jailed [Reason: Using \"ROFL\" on an IC chat.]", RemoveUnderScore(playerid));
               SendClientMessageToAll(LBLUE, string);
               Player[playerid][PrisonDuration] = 15*60;
               SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Remember: Do NOT use OOC chat terms on an IC chat.");
               Player[playerid][PrisonID] = 1;
               SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Prison1Int);
               SetPlayerPos(playerid, Prison1X, Prison1Y, Prison1Z);
               SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, Prison1World);
               return 0;
    else if(!strcmp(text, "<3", true))
        if(Player[playerid][Authenticated] == 1)
            if(Player[playerid][RPQuiz] != 1)
               format(string, sizeof(string), "[Auto Jail] %s has been Admin Jailed [Reason: Using \"<3\" on an IC chat.]", RemoveUnderScore(playerid));
               SendClientMessageToAll(LBLUE, string);
               Player[playerid][PrisonDuration] = 15*60;
               SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Remember: Do NOT use OOC chat terms on an IC chat.");
               Player[playerid][PrisonID] = 1;
               SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Prison1Int);
               SetPlayerPos(playerid, Prison1X, Prison1Y, Prison1Z);
               SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, Prison1World);
               return 0;
    else if(!strcmp(text, "noob", true))
        if(Player[playerid][Authenticated] == 1)
            if(Player[playerid][RPQuiz] != 1)
               format(string, sizeof(string), "[Auto Jail] %s has been Admin Jailed [Reason: Using \"NOOB\" on an IC chat.]", RemoveUnderScore(playerid));
               SendClientMessageToAll(LBLUE, string);
               Player[playerid][PrisonDuration] = 15*60;
               SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Remember: Do NOT use OOC chat terms on an IC chat.");
               Player[playerid][PrisonID] = 1;
               SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Prison1Int);
               SetPlayerPos(playerid, Prison1X, Prison1Y, Prison1Z);
               SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, Prison1World);
               return 0;
    else if(!strcmp(text, "pmsl", true))
        if(Player[playerid][Authenticated] == 1)
            if(Player[playerid][RPQuiz] != 1)
               format(string, sizeof(string), "[Auto Jail] %s has been Admin Jailed [Reason: Using \"PMSL\" on an IC chat.]", RemoveUnderScore(playerid));
               SendClientMessageToAll(LBLUE, string);
               Player[playerid][PrisonDuration] = 15*60;
               SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Remember: Do NOT use OOC chat terms on an IC chat.");
               Player[playerid][PrisonID] = 1;
               SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Prison1Int);
               SetPlayerPos(playerid, Prison1X, Prison1Y, Prison1Z);
               SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, Prison1World);
               return 0;
    else if(!strcmp(text, "xd", true))
        if(Player[playerid][Authenticated] == 1)
            if(Player[playerid][RPQuiz] != 1)
               format(string, sizeof(string), "[Auto Jail] %s has been Admin Jailed [Reason: Using \"XD\" on an IC chat.]", RemoveUnderScore(playerid));
               SendClientMessageToAll(LBLUE, string);
               Player[playerid][PrisonDuration] = 15*60;
               SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Remember: Do NOT use OOC chat terms on an IC chat.");
               Player[playerid][PrisonID] = 1;
               SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Prison1Int);
               SetPlayerPos(playerid, Prison1X, Prison1Y, Prison1Z);
               SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, Prison1World);
               return 0;
    else if(!strcmp(text, ":)", true))
        if(Player[playerid][Authenticated] == 1)
            if(Player[playerid][RPQuiz] != 1)
               format(string, sizeof(string), "[Auto Jail] %s has been Admin Jailed [Reason: Using \":)\" on an IC chat.]", RemoveUnderScore(playerid));
               SendClientMessageToAll(LBLUE, string);
               Player[playerid][PrisonDuration] = 15*60;
               SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Remember: Do NOT use OOC chat terms on an IC chat.");
               Player[playerid][PrisonID] = 1;
               SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Prison1Int);
               SetPlayerPos(playerid, Prison1X, Prison1Y, Prison1Z);
               SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, Prison1World);
               return 0;
    else if(!strcmp(text, ":(", true))
        if(Player[playerid][Authenticated] == 1)
            if(Player[playerid][RPQuiz] != 1)
               format(string, sizeof(string), "[Auto Jail] %s has been Admin Jailed [Reason: Using \":(\" on an IC chat.]", RemoveUnderScore(playerid));
               SendClientMessageToAll(LBLUE, string);
               Player[playerid][PrisonDuration] = 15*60;
               SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Remember: Do NOT use OOC chat terms on an IC chat.");
               Player[playerid][PrisonID] = 1;
               SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Prison1Int);
               SetPlayerPos(playerid, Prison1X, Prison1Y, Prison1Z);
               SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, Prison1World);
               return 0;
    else if(!strcmp(text, ":D", true))
        if(Player[playerid][Authenticated] == 1)
            if(Player[playerid][RPQuiz] != 1)
               format(string, sizeof(string), "[Auto Jail] %s has been Admin Jailed [Reason: Using \":D\" on an IC chat.]", RemoveUnderScore(playerid));
               SendClientMessageToAll(LBLUE, string);
               Player[playerid][PrisonDuration] = 15*60;
               SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Remember: Do NOT use OOC chat terms on an IC chat.");
               Player[playerid][PrisonID] = 1;
               SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Prison1Int);
               SetPlayerPos(playerid, Prison1X, Prison1Y, Prison1Z);
               SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, Prison1World);
               return 0;
    else if(!strcmp(text, "D:", true))
        if(Player[playerid][Authenticated] == 1)
            if(Player[playerid][RPQuiz] != 1)
               format(string, sizeof(string), "[Auto Jail] %s has been Admin Jailed [Reason: Using \"D:\" on an IC chat.]", RemoveUnderScore(playerid));
               SendClientMessageToAll(LBLUE, string);
               Player[playerid][PrisonDuration] = 15*60;
               SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Remember: Do NOT use OOC chat terms on an IC chat.");
               Player[playerid][PrisonID] = 1;
               SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Prison1Int);
               SetPlayerPos(playerid, Prison1X, Prison1Y, Prison1Z);
               SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, Prison1World);
               return 0;
(This is not the full code, there's a tutorial but I assume It aint needed)

Other then you're wasting a lot of lines and resources by repeating everything unnecessary i don't see anything wrong.

Show us the function stringContainsIP, does it require a plugin?

Originally Posted by WackoX
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Other then you're wasting a lot of lines and resources by repeating everything unnecessary i don't see anything wrong.

Show us the function stringContainsIP, does it require a plugin?
pawn Код:
stock stringContainsIP(string[])
    for(new i; string[i] != EOS; ++i)
        if(('0' <= string[i] <= '9') || string[i] == '.' || string[i] == ':')
            if((string[i] == '.') && (string[i + 1] != '.') && ('0' <= string[i - 1] <= '9'))
    return (dotCount > 2);

So, is this causing the crash?

This is causing the crash

    if(CurGMX == 2)
        SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "[Error] Server is restarting.");
        return 0;
It's restarting the server, your Script is bugged. So any time you type somthing it restarts the server, so I suggest you remove it, any other problems just let me know.

Seriously?, There is no SendRconCommand gmx in the code so there is 0% everytime he types something it will restart check the code before posting.

There is

pawn Код:
public DoGMX()
    return 1;

Any help?

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