0.3e Sync

Are there any sync issues with 0.3e? Because I players complaining that their speedometer would just freeze for a while, messages aren't being sent, commands return 0 and all that.


Client Messages: When you buy a vehicle, it should tell you that you bought the vehicle and give you some instructions, it doesn't do that, only spawns the vehicle and records it in the database.

Commands: If I try to use commands like say, /lock to lock the vehicle, it returns 0 "SERVER: Unknown Command".

Now if I restart the server, everything runs fine, until maybe an hour or so after the restart. I just wanted to know what could be the problem - CPU usage is low, and so is the memory.

Post in scripting help.

Maybe something start crashing the server after this time?
A bad timer or something?
From personal experience never had sync problems with good written gamemodes.

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