[FilterScript] Advanced vehicle system PROBLEM

First of all i hope that i posted ok , on the dedicated topic , i didn't get an answer , Second , im running a server with a Godfather script wich i added AVS filterscript , i've got a problem about a SA:MP native witch is not working ,but it exists.When i want to buy i car , i should get in and press YES or NO on a dialog box , but when i press NO , it still let me drive that car , i check'd the pwn file and it gives me the following :

pawn Code:
if(dialogid == DIALOG_VEHICLE_BUY)
			if(GetPlayerVehicles(playerid) >= MAX_PLAYER_VEHICLES)
				ShowErrorDialog(playerid, "You can't buy any more vehicles! Max: " #MAX_PLAYER_VEHICLES );
				return 1;
			new id = GetPVarInt(playerid, "DialogValue1");
			if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < VehicleValue[id])
				ShowErrorDialog(playerid, "You don't have enough money to buy this vehicle!");
				return 1;
			new freeid;
			for(new i=1; i < MAX_DVEHICLES; i++)
					freeid = i; break;
				ShowErrorDialog(playerid, "Vehicle dealership is out of stock!");
				return 1;
			GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -VehicleValue[id]);
			new dealerid = strval(VehicleOwner[id]);
			VehicleCreated[freeid] = VEHICLE_PLAYER;
			VehicleModel[freeid] = VehicleModel[id];
			VehiclePos[freeid] = DealershipPos[dealerid];
			VehicleColor[freeid] = VehicleColor[id];
			VehicleInterior[freeid] = VehicleInterior[id];
			VehicleWorld[freeid] = VehicleWorld[id];
			VehicleValue[freeid] = VehicleValue[id];
			VehicleOwner[freeid] = PlayerName(playerid);
			VehicleNumberPlate[freeid] = DEFAULT_NUMBER_PLATE;
			for(new d=0; d < sizeof(VehicleTrunk[]); d++)
				VehicleTrunk[freeid][d][0] = 0;
				VehicleTrunk[freeid][d][1] = 0;
			for(new d=0; d < sizeof(VehicleMods[]); d++)
				VehicleMods[freeid][d] = 0;
			VehiclePaintjob[freeid] = 255;
			UpdateVehicle(freeid, 0);
			new msg[128];
			format(msg, sizeof(msg), "You have bought this vehicle for $%d", VehicleValue[id]);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, msg);
			new vehicleid = GetPVarInt(playerid, "DialogValue1");
			if(GetPlayerVehicleAccess(playerid, vehicleid) != 3)
		return 1;
This should work right?I've also tryed with TogglePlayerControlablle(playerid, 0);

A solution please?The red text is my problem , it doesn'w work.Thanks a lot

Wrong Selection !

If you can drive it, you're logged into RCON. Try not doing /rcon login ingame. If you try without being RCON admin, it won't work.

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