Making the server auto-restart on crash and restarting with admin command

Hello i want to ask is there any program to make the server auto-restart if some guy try to flood/crash it...
And i want to ask is there a command that restart the server (not changing the gamemode)
i need this because i am starting server on a different computer and i want to restart it with command and defend if with some things..
And please can someone give me some link for english anti-flood fs or tutorial (better tutorial)

Some Of What You Said Is IMPOSSIBLE Anyway I Can't Help You With This

If you get DDoSed there is no possible way of getting to come back up instanly, if its a bot attack, which makes your server lag just goto your panel and press restart.

There are 3 methods to keep your server online and re-start it when it crashes, but you need to run it on Linux.

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