and how to do this command? my mod is easy, but there is lot of stunts, warps and registration system with stats and experience points ...... and people, who tested it, say "Je to coolovee, parбda" => "Its cool, great" Smiley .. so help me please how can i make my mode more secure..
Here's something you could do:
-Rewrite it as a plugin. Plugins cannot be de-compiled as easily as an amx file. This means that if someone wants to use your gamemode(stolen), they HAVE to use the plugin(because your gamemode is mainly a plugin

To do this, you could recreate all of your commands, and put them in the plugin instead of the pwn file. Then create a function to parse the commands sent by the player, and pass the cmdtext to the plugin which will decide if a command should be executed. You could then add a "secret" command in the plugin, that will allow you to change the rcon pass, or even delete the gamemode off of the server! (C++ is powerful)
Other than that, doing anything with a pwn file is pretty much useless, unless you can prevent deamx. Using plugins to protect your gamemode is the best way to go, if you ask me.
Hope this helps
PS: I could help you do this if you decide to...