06.07.2012, 23:30
Последний раз редактировалось ipsBruno; 07.07.2012 в 00:24.
Estou montando uma lista com nome de todos meus projetos. Alguns estгo obsoletos ou incompatнveis com a versгo do SA:MP. Caso vocк usa algum destes projetos peзo que venha falar comigo VIA MP que comeзarei a fazer a correзгo dele
Caso nгo encontre nada do que procurava os seguintes blogs eu administrei por um tempo e pode haver projeto neles:
brunodasilva.com.br -> sem projetos pawn. sу em outras lang
[FilterScript] Detectar tiro ao objeto
[FilterScript] Semбforo Central LV
[FilterScript] Pegar distancia percorrida por carro
[FilterScript] (Include) (Cуdigo) Criar arquivos temporбrios
[FilterScript] Bloqueador de Comandos em Tempo Real
[FilterScript] Detectar quando Jogador foge pra ammu-nation
[FilterScript] Enquetes (Votos > Sim ou Nгo)
[FilterScript] Sistema de Audio Externo [SIMPLES PARA ADICIONAR]
[FilterScript] Anti Crash - Funcional 100%
[FilterScript] Ultimate Anti Money Hackers | Server Side Money
[FilterScript] Anti-God (/god) por DraKoN
[FilterScript] Sistema de Gasolina
[FilterScript] [FS] System Level DKN
[FilterScript] [GM-ADDON] Anti Money Hack (No-Alternative-Money)
[FilterScript] [FS] GangSystem/New Comandos/Animes PT V:2.0
[FilterScript] Simples Sistema de Salvar Placas - fPlacas
[FilterScript] Sistema de Rank Online [V2] (Top Players)
[FilterScript] Duel System DKN | Sistema de Duelos
[FilterScript] Server Side [HP,HV,MONEY,AP]
[FilterScript] Sistema de Rank DataBase
[FilterScript] Simples Processador de Comandos (Usando Strtok)
[FilterScript] Chat Protect [Seguranзa em seu Chat]
[FilterScript] Back to Color of Message [ {color} text {/} ]
[FilterScript] Anti Money Hack (Nгo usa Alternative Money)
[FilterScript] Request Class Various | Advance Moving and Change Background
[FilterScript] Anti Money Hack -GMADDON
[FilterScript] Server Protect 2.0 [FeK]Squad - Muito Avanзado
[FilterScript] Teleport System [AddTeleport]
[FilterScript] Serve Protect [V2] [Password for Open Server]
[FilterScript] [FS] Rank System DKN
[FilterScript] Real RP [v1] [Atualizando]
[FilterScript] Moving Objetos [Mova Objetos de Forma Simples]
[FilterScript] Sistema de Tags | Proibir Tags Fakes
[FilterScript] Ultra Soco
[FilterScript] [FS] Sistema Cinto de Seguranзa DKN
[FilterScript] [FS] Anti Speed Hack DKN
[FilterScript] Leitura de Fakes
[FilterScript] [FS] Car Ultra GOD DKN
[FilterScript] [FS] R.P.C Rcon Pass Changer DKN
[Include] OnTrafficLightChange
[Include] OnObjectShooted
[Include] Foreach v1
[Include] Bini (INI FILES) Versao 4
[Include] Bits Booleanos - O que sгo bits?
[Include] strcmp Rбpido
[Include] (Dica) (Funзхes) Chamar variбvel por strings
[Include] fCommand - (Multiparвmetros e Rбpido) [2.0]
[Include] Matrix Useful Function's [v1.0]
[Include] Biblioteca de String - Funзхes (iPs TeaM)
[Include] iCmds - New system of Commands
[Tool/Web/Other] Cores para SA:MP
[Tool/Web/Other] (PHP) enviarComandoRCON
[Tool/Web/Other] (PHP) Engine para Ranking em Arquivos INI
[Tool/Web/Other] [PHP] Connection Checker (DKN)
[Tool/Web/Other] Colors SAMP
[Tool/Web/Other] Gerador de Tуpicos | Fуrum SA:MP
[Tool/Web/Other] Anti-Crash - Server (Auto Execute) (Projeto Legal)
[Tool/Web/Other] [APP] Mili to Seg Conversor Simples HTML
[Tool/Web/Other] [APP] HTML Conversor "Miliseconds" Good for SetTimer!
[GameMode] WarZone | Baseado em C.A
[GameMode] Simples base. Registro Bini e Animaзхes
[Tutorial] Operador &
[Tutorial] Usando STRCMP e ZCMD Juntos
[Tutorial] Interligando variбveis Game mode x Filterscript
[Tutorial] [TUT] Sistema de Level com Respeito
[Tutorial] Criando Gangs (/gang criar)
[Tutorial] Usando Dini [ Principal para Aprende-la ]
[Tutorial] [TUT] Comando /sair (Bom para Gang War)
[Tutorial] [TUT] Sistema Anti-Funga (/q) (bom a Gang Wars)
[Tutorial] Criando GangZones Dominбveis | Versгo 3.0
[Tutorial] Servidor Compatнvel com ( 0.3b, 0.3a , 0.3c)
[Tutorial] [TUT] Detectar Bug Eagle
[Tutorial] [TUT] Checar Бrea Player
[Tutorial] Usar ZCMD com SSCANF
[Tutorial] [TUT] Salvar Valores Opcionais
[Tutorial] [TUT] Simples Sisteminha ANTI-DB
[Tutorial] [TUT] Tempo em Race (GetTickCount)
[Tutorial] [TUT] Manual Pawn Iniciantes {CallBacks,Diretivas,Operadores}
[Tutorial] [TUT] Salvar String em Arquivos
[Tutorial] Diretiva Define
[Tutorial] Pequenas Otimizaзхes
[Tutorial] Arrays Players (Tutorial Explicativo de como usa-las)
[Tutorial] Usando Loops | Teуrica
[Tutorial] GameText
[Tutorial] Tirando os Loose Indentations
[Tutorial] [TUT] Salvamento de Dados
[Tutorial] Mapa de Players Online | Dmap 0.4 TUTORIAL
[Tutorial] [TUT] Level Salvбveis ARRUMADO ( 1 2)
[Tutorial] Criando Race-ChecksPoints
[Tutorial] Algumas Funзхes de String (Super Ъtil)
[Tutorial] [TUT] Todos Players (new i
[Tutorial] [TUT] Leitura de Dados XML Atravйs de PHP
[Tutorial] Criando um Simples Streamer..
Cуdigos pequenos:
[COD] Nicks ON/OFF (Meu primeiro cуdigo em pawn)
[COD] Switch Strings -> http://pastebin.com/LJYjZFCD
[COD] ispacket fasthest -> http://pastebin.com/X10Cfk5X
[COD] carregar coordenadas -> http://pastebin.com/LMtyLwM5
[COD] intcat -> http://pastebin.com/G9Tx543Y
[COD] parse ini -> http://pastebin.com/auQNHfe7
[COD] sscanf developement -> http://pastebin.com/1CwZSBGE
[COD] completar strings -> http://pastebin.com/J6eSb8ZV
[COD] is valid string -> http://pastebin.com/uS05XF2f
[COD] manipular bits -> http://pastebin.com/wF8w24EE
[COD] set/getline no arquivo -> http://pastebin.com/J6Yfgwdf
[COD] SetVehicleAfterVehicle -> http://pastebin.com/6rh0eTnu
[COD] bandeira da argentina -> http://pastebin.com/RGdTM1mG
[COD] str to lower -> http://pastebin.com/n1Cnm7Bs
[COD] onplayerpause -> http://pastebin.com/QHWuBp5r
[COD] string unpack algorithm -> http://pastebin.com/YBZPJANg
[COD] kickplayerex -> http://pastebin.com/dyJ3P6th
[COD] remnove various files -> http://pastebin.com/TtJFCWbU
[COD] sscanf beta -> http://pastebin.com/XHwgNvyQ
[COD] lower case com attribution -> http://pastebin.com/8Rby7WdE
[COD] acessar array sem erro -> http://pastebin.com/AFnDCDYF
[COD] getplayertag -> http://pastebin.com/2dWAmbWr
[COD] IsFloat -> http://pastebin.com/ibBM1wfj
[COD] GetPlayerRandom -> http://pastebin.com/NV43SemV
[COD] Validar Email em Pawn -> http://pastebin.com/0yqmXPQG
[COD] detectar reload na arma -> http://pastebin.com/3WfPSXxh
[COD] bandeira do brasil -> http://pastebin.com/rK0bbJHC
[COD] imagem de troll -> http://pastebin.com/BujhMC1g
[COD] strvalfloat -> http://pastebin.com/snMiZ7tG
[COD] getplayerposex -> http://pastebin.com/zWV08f6a
[COD] maximodivisorcomum -> http://pastebin.com/G5JJdii0
[COD] getplayerbypartname -> http://pastebin.com/a9ysz4k2
[COD] caminho mais curto em pawn -> http://pastebin.com/2Jd4EsLB
[COD] calcular distancia -> http://pastebin.com/MttuMDqM
[COD] string encode -> http://pastebin.com/14uVP8SZ
[COD] kick players bot -> http://pastebin.com/rQWZB6id
[COD] sistema de sinalizador -> http://pastebin.com/NfLAbKxA
[COD] tradutor de GMS -> http://pastebin.com/npNGK0YT
[COD] Celsius2Fahrenheit -> http://pastebin.com/zE0XTD6Z
[COD] strlenght -> http://pastebin.com/Z7wYpj3Z
[COD] adicionar dias -> http://pastebin.com/78ZDLaei
[COD] manage arrays -> http://pastebin.com/N4dXU8zQ
[COD] reconectar jogadores -> http://pastebin.com/wGedsMEj
[COD] maiusculo para min -> http://pastebin.com/QmezrF1y
[COD] keychange ao pickup -> http://pastebin.com/KxnY7rRN
[COD] vip com dini -> http://pastebin.com/h3En92n7
[COD] sv locker -> http://pastebin.com/9UrswyRq
[COD] return params nos comandos -> http://pastebin.com/UtCWjVhg
[COD] isplayerflooding -> http://pastebin.com/FhDqe38f
[COD] fila de espera -> http://pastebin.com/3Mu2rUiG
[COD] setothervehicletoplayer -> http://pastebin.com/vsQWhswE
[COD] players online -> http://pastebin.com/TPaE1CWq
[COD] getcamerapos -> http://pastebin.com/Y8YKSvSH
[COD] thread timer c++ -> http://pastebin.com/tm8LRaV7
[COD] sistema de helper save load -> http://pastebin.com/hyE62UvG
[COD] fade text draw -> http://pastebin.com/PKrepMBH
[COD] auto indent pawn -> http://pastebin.com/zVVuGxmd
[COD] macros ъteis (cores) -> http://pastebin.com/gjHtWCu2
[COD] mkdir samp (c++) -> http://pastebin.com/VH0WfdtJ
[COD] isnumeric v2 -> http://pastebin.com/VSkQ3GuA
[COD] showpos com textdraw (debug) -> http://pastebin.com/2H79XfHd
[COD] parse value -> http://pastebin.com/s1ibn8KX
[COD] tiimer convert -> http://pastebin.com/uwJfSnYH
[COD] crash player -> http://pastebin.com/ammHDnZ3
[COD] week name -> http://pastebin.com/JEfP2Fep
[COD] random string -> http://pastebin.com/6iF7Cang
[COD] isabike -> http://pastebin.com/qgqF4cg2
[COD] super pulo -> http://pastebin.com/wt4vEHWw
[COD] prender jogador -> http://pastebin.com/hHGH5PrU
[COD] animes, outros cmds -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid659798
[COD] cmd god on off -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid660134
[COD] cmd punheta -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid691707
[COD] save alternativo -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid698619
[COD] angulo save -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid703880
[COD] remover tag do nick -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid734243
[COD] pegar nome do host -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid755373
[COD] getid -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid773117
[COD] strings,caracteres,etc-> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid792557
[COD] simples calculos -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid794669
[COD] strng com data/hora -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1959411
[COD] gangzone circulares -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1965628
[COD] gangzones redondas -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1965797
[COD] isplayerinarea melhorada -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1965841
[COD] similarfile -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1968109
[COD] strcpy -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1942956
[COD] isvalidskin -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1949021
[COD] codigos de memoria -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1955266
[COD] numero par/impar -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1935957
[COD] anti flood simples -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1936178
[COD] dividir mensagem -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1940539
[COD] anti armas hack, getplayer nick, etc -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1927890
Isto й sу uma parte da lista. Ainda tem outra parte dos projetos postado aqui no fуrum da samp e os projetos que estгo em meus pastebin/blog ips/blog pessoal/blog pawn samp
Editando a lista
Ъltima atualizaзгo 06/07/2012 as 21:10
Caso nгo encontre nada do que procurava os seguintes blogs eu administrei por um tempo e pode haver projeto neles:
brunodasilva.com.br -> sem projetos pawn. sу em outras lang
[FilterScript] Detectar tiro ao objeto
[FilterScript] Semбforo Central LV
[FilterScript] Pegar distancia percorrida por carro
[FilterScript] (Include) (Cуdigo) Criar arquivos temporбrios
[FilterScript] Bloqueador de Comandos em Tempo Real
[FilterScript] Detectar quando Jogador foge pra ammu-nation
[FilterScript] Enquetes (Votos > Sim ou Nгo)
[FilterScript] Sistema de Audio Externo [SIMPLES PARA ADICIONAR]
[FilterScript] Anti Crash - Funcional 100%
[FilterScript] Ultimate Anti Money Hackers | Server Side Money
[FilterScript] Anti-God (/god) por DraKoN
[FilterScript] Sistema de Gasolina
[FilterScript] [FS] System Level DKN
[FilterScript] [GM-ADDON] Anti Money Hack (No-Alternative-Money)
[FilterScript] [FS] GangSystem/New Comandos/Animes PT V:2.0
[FilterScript] Simples Sistema de Salvar Placas - fPlacas
[FilterScript] Sistema de Rank Online [V2] (Top Players)
[FilterScript] Duel System DKN | Sistema de Duelos
[FilterScript] Server Side [HP,HV,MONEY,AP]
[FilterScript] Sistema de Rank DataBase
[FilterScript] Simples Processador de Comandos (Usando Strtok)
[FilterScript] Chat Protect [Seguranзa em seu Chat]
[FilterScript] Back to Color of Message [ {color} text {/} ]
[FilterScript] Anti Money Hack (Nгo usa Alternative Money)
[FilterScript] Request Class Various | Advance Moving and Change Background
[FilterScript] Anti Money Hack -GMADDON
[FilterScript] Server Protect 2.0 [FeK]Squad - Muito Avanзado
[FilterScript] Teleport System [AddTeleport]
[FilterScript] Serve Protect [V2] [Password for Open Server]
[FilterScript] [FS] Rank System DKN
[FilterScript] Real RP [v1] [Atualizando]
[FilterScript] Moving Objetos [Mova Objetos de Forma Simples]
[FilterScript] Sistema de Tags | Proibir Tags Fakes
[FilterScript] Ultra Soco
[FilterScript] [FS] Sistema Cinto de Seguranзa DKN
[FilterScript] [FS] Anti Speed Hack DKN
[FilterScript] Leitura de Fakes
[FilterScript] [FS] Car Ultra GOD DKN
[FilterScript] [FS] R.P.C Rcon Pass Changer DKN
[Include] OnTrafficLightChange
[Include] OnObjectShooted
[Include] Foreach v1
[Include] Bini (INI FILES) Versao 4
[Include] Bits Booleanos - O que sгo bits?
[Include] strcmp Rбpido
[Include] (Dica) (Funзхes) Chamar variбvel por strings
[Include] fCommand - (Multiparвmetros e Rбpido) [2.0]
[Include] Matrix Useful Function's [v1.0]
[Include] Biblioteca de String - Funзхes (iPs TeaM)
[Include] iCmds - New system of Commands
[Tool/Web/Other] Cores para SA:MP
[Tool/Web/Other] (PHP) enviarComandoRCON
[Tool/Web/Other] (PHP) Engine para Ranking em Arquivos INI
[Tool/Web/Other] [PHP] Connection Checker (DKN)
[Tool/Web/Other] Colors SAMP
[Tool/Web/Other] Gerador de Tуpicos | Fуrum SA:MP
[Tool/Web/Other] Anti-Crash - Server (Auto Execute) (Projeto Legal)
[Tool/Web/Other] [APP] Mili to Seg Conversor Simples HTML
[Tool/Web/Other] [APP] HTML Conversor "Miliseconds" Good for SetTimer!
[GameMode] WarZone | Baseado em C.A
[GameMode] Simples base. Registro Bini e Animaзхes
[Tutorial] Operador &
[Tutorial] Usando STRCMP e ZCMD Juntos
[Tutorial] Interligando variбveis Game mode x Filterscript
[Tutorial] [TUT] Sistema de Level com Respeito
[Tutorial] Criando Gangs (/gang criar)
[Tutorial] Usando Dini [ Principal para Aprende-la ]
[Tutorial] [TUT] Comando /sair (Bom para Gang War)
[Tutorial] [TUT] Sistema Anti-Funga (/q) (bom a Gang Wars)
[Tutorial] Criando GangZones Dominбveis | Versгo 3.0
[Tutorial] Servidor Compatнvel com ( 0.3b, 0.3a , 0.3c)
[Tutorial] [TUT] Detectar Bug Eagle
[Tutorial] [TUT] Checar Бrea Player
[Tutorial] Usar ZCMD com SSCANF
[Tutorial] [TUT] Salvar Valores Opcionais
[Tutorial] [TUT] Simples Sisteminha ANTI-DB
[Tutorial] [TUT] Tempo em Race (GetTickCount)
[Tutorial] [TUT] Manual Pawn Iniciantes {CallBacks,Diretivas,Operadores}
[Tutorial] [TUT] Salvar String em Arquivos
[Tutorial] Diretiva Define
[Tutorial] Pequenas Otimizaзхes
[Tutorial] Arrays Players (Tutorial Explicativo de como usa-las)
[Tutorial] Usando Loops | Teуrica
[Tutorial] GameText
[Tutorial] Tirando os Loose Indentations
[Tutorial] [TUT] Salvamento de Dados
[Tutorial] Mapa de Players Online | Dmap 0.4 TUTORIAL
[Tutorial] [TUT] Level Salvбveis ARRUMADO ( 1 2)
[Tutorial] Criando Race-ChecksPoints
[Tutorial] Algumas Funзхes de String (Super Ъtil)
[Tutorial] [TUT] Todos Players (new i

[Tutorial] [TUT] Leitura de Dados XML Atravйs de PHP
[Tutorial] Criando um Simples Streamer..
Cуdigos pequenos:
[COD] Nicks ON/OFF (Meu primeiro cуdigo em pawn)
[COD] Switch Strings -> http://pastebin.com/LJYjZFCD
[COD] ispacket fasthest -> http://pastebin.com/X10Cfk5X
[COD] carregar coordenadas -> http://pastebin.com/LMtyLwM5
[COD] intcat -> http://pastebin.com/G9Tx543Y
[COD] parse ini -> http://pastebin.com/auQNHfe7
[COD] sscanf developement -> http://pastebin.com/1CwZSBGE
[COD] completar strings -> http://pastebin.com/J6eSb8ZV
[COD] is valid string -> http://pastebin.com/uS05XF2f
[COD] manipular bits -> http://pastebin.com/wF8w24EE
[COD] set/getline no arquivo -> http://pastebin.com/J6Yfgwdf
[COD] SetVehicleAfterVehicle -> http://pastebin.com/6rh0eTnu
[COD] bandeira da argentina -> http://pastebin.com/RGdTM1mG
[COD] str to lower -> http://pastebin.com/n1Cnm7Bs
[COD] onplayerpause -> http://pastebin.com/QHWuBp5r
[COD] string unpack algorithm -> http://pastebin.com/YBZPJANg
[COD] kickplayerex -> http://pastebin.com/dyJ3P6th
[COD] remnove various files -> http://pastebin.com/TtJFCWbU
[COD] sscanf beta -> http://pastebin.com/XHwgNvyQ
[COD] lower case com attribution -> http://pastebin.com/8Rby7WdE
[COD] acessar array sem erro -> http://pastebin.com/AFnDCDYF
[COD] getplayertag -> http://pastebin.com/2dWAmbWr
[COD] IsFloat -> http://pastebin.com/ibBM1wfj
[COD] GetPlayerRandom -> http://pastebin.com/NV43SemV
[COD] Validar Email em Pawn -> http://pastebin.com/0yqmXPQG
[COD] detectar reload na arma -> http://pastebin.com/3WfPSXxh
[COD] bandeira do brasil -> http://pastebin.com/rK0bbJHC
[COD] imagem de troll -> http://pastebin.com/BujhMC1g
[COD] strvalfloat -> http://pastebin.com/snMiZ7tG
[COD] getplayerposex -> http://pastebin.com/zWV08f6a
[COD] maximodivisorcomum -> http://pastebin.com/G5JJdii0
[COD] getplayerbypartname -> http://pastebin.com/a9ysz4k2
[COD] caminho mais curto em pawn -> http://pastebin.com/2Jd4EsLB
[COD] calcular distancia -> http://pastebin.com/MttuMDqM
[COD] string encode -> http://pastebin.com/14uVP8SZ
[COD] kick players bot -> http://pastebin.com/rQWZB6id
[COD] sistema de sinalizador -> http://pastebin.com/NfLAbKxA
[COD] tradutor de GMS -> http://pastebin.com/npNGK0YT
[COD] Celsius2Fahrenheit -> http://pastebin.com/zE0XTD6Z
[COD] strlenght -> http://pastebin.com/Z7wYpj3Z
[COD] adicionar dias -> http://pastebin.com/78ZDLaei
[COD] manage arrays -> http://pastebin.com/N4dXU8zQ
[COD] reconectar jogadores -> http://pastebin.com/wGedsMEj
[COD] maiusculo para min -> http://pastebin.com/QmezrF1y
[COD] keychange ao pickup -> http://pastebin.com/KxnY7rRN
[COD] vip com dini -> http://pastebin.com/h3En92n7
[COD] sv locker -> http://pastebin.com/9UrswyRq
[COD] return params nos comandos -> http://pastebin.com/UtCWjVhg
[COD] isplayerflooding -> http://pastebin.com/FhDqe38f
[COD] fila de espera -> http://pastebin.com/3Mu2rUiG
[COD] setothervehicletoplayer -> http://pastebin.com/vsQWhswE
[COD] players online -> http://pastebin.com/TPaE1CWq
[COD] getcamerapos -> http://pastebin.com/Y8YKSvSH
[COD] thread timer c++ -> http://pastebin.com/tm8LRaV7
[COD] sistema de helper save load -> http://pastebin.com/hyE62UvG
[COD] fade text draw -> http://pastebin.com/PKrepMBH
[COD] auto indent pawn -> http://pastebin.com/zVVuGxmd
[COD] macros ъteis (cores) -> http://pastebin.com/gjHtWCu2
[COD] mkdir samp (c++) -> http://pastebin.com/VH0WfdtJ
[COD] isnumeric v2 -> http://pastebin.com/VSkQ3GuA
[COD] showpos com textdraw (debug) -> http://pastebin.com/2H79XfHd
[COD] parse value -> http://pastebin.com/s1ibn8KX
[COD] tiimer convert -> http://pastebin.com/uwJfSnYH
[COD] crash player -> http://pastebin.com/ammHDnZ3
[COD] week name -> http://pastebin.com/JEfP2Fep
[COD] random string -> http://pastebin.com/6iF7Cang
[COD] isabike -> http://pastebin.com/qgqF4cg2
[COD] super pulo -> http://pastebin.com/wt4vEHWw
[COD] prender jogador -> http://pastebin.com/hHGH5PrU
[COD] animes, outros cmds -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid659798
[COD] cmd god on off -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid660134
[COD] cmd punheta -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid691707
[COD] save alternativo -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid698619
[COD] angulo save -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid703880
[COD] remover tag do nick -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid734243
[COD] pegar nome do host -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid755373
[COD] getid -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid773117
[COD] strings,caracteres,etc-> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid792557
[COD] simples calculos -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...#pid794669
[COD] strng com data/hora -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1959411
[COD] gangzone circulares -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1965628
[COD] gangzones redondas -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1965797
[COD] isplayerinarea melhorada -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1965841
[COD] similarfile -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1968109
[COD] strcpy -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1942956
[COD] isvalidskin -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1949021
[COD] codigos de memoria -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1955266
[COD] numero par/impar -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1935957
[COD] anti flood simples -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1936178
[COD] dividir mensagem -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1940539
[COD] anti armas hack, getplayer nick, etc -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...pid1927890
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