Inherited a few servers today...


For dugi and others in countries that are temp-blocked from the server:

few? LOL
damn send me half of them xd

@ Moh_ LOL you wish :P

Most are 2x dual-core 2.2 through 2.8, most w/ 16GB some w/ 64GB. There are a few old old devices in there (the Sun V880 cabinet for example) too.

This is the first load...the rest = more servers and some UPS and networking equipment.

PS I'm a little tired. Those things are heavy to load up on carts all by yourself.

What the fuck?For what you need all that damn servers?

what u gonna do with them?

Sell most of them. I'm disposing of them for my employer and giving a good chunk of money back. Before we'd pay someone to take them, then they'd sell them and we'd get nothing back. Now I'm selling them, and giving a fair-sized portion back (and keeping an even fairer portion for myself )

Giving money back wasn't even their idea. I didn't feel right taking all of that and NOT giving anything back from the proceeds.

The thing that intrested me the most were them chairs you had over to the right. Very nice chairs you got there. Although I would have loved to see more of that table. Only a small bit came up.

Awwwwwwwwwww, is that for me?
You didn't have to bother...
Thank you kaisa <3 xD

haha yes they are nice. That the lobby to our IT building. It usually looks way better when some dork hasn't piled a bunch of servers there...

I'm thinking one of the 64GB servers will end up being Everystuff's new home eventually. We'll see.

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
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haha yes they are nice. That the lobby to our IT building. It usually looks way better when some dork hasn't piled a bunch of servers there...

I'm thinking one of the 64GB servers will end up being Everystuff's new home eventually. We'll see.
Mehh, I guess that would be nice, but you would have to get a better internet speed, right? >.<
And wouldn't the ISP moan? :0

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