Help with toys bug.

Okay here's what.You know Goldvip room.When i type /buytoys i get toys cords etc.But when added paltinum vip room with platvip toys.It doesn't show the toys and the cords edit.Only shows Welcome to Platinum Vip Toys Accept or Delicne something like this.How to show the same dialog at gvip toys but with other toys.Hope you understand me.

Show the code

CMDlattoys(playerid, params[])
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 912.1011,1430.1176,-81.1762))
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateRank] < 4)
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "* You are not a Platinum VIP");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, BUYTOYSPLAT, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Toy Store", "Welcome to the Platinum VIP Toy store! Here you can buy accessories to attach to your character.\n\nFirst, we will choose a slot to store the toy in.","Continue", "Cancel");
SendClientMessageEx( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, " You are not in the Platinum VIP Toys store !" );
return 1;

Try this
pawn Код:
CMD:plattoys(playerid, params[])
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 912.1011,1430.1176,-81.1762))
        if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateRank] < 4) return SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "* You are not a Platinum VIP");
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, BUYTOYSPLAT, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Toy Store", "Welcome to the Platinum VIP Toy store! Here you can buy accessories to attach to your character.\n\nFirst, we will choose a slot to store the toy in.","Continue", "Cancel");

    SendClientMessageEx( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, " You are not in the Platinum VIP Toys store !" );
    return 1;

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