Snow in Nord City (Bayside)

I don't know if there is already something like this but its cool i made snow in Nord City (Bayside)

What you think about it?


nice is there a snow u can walk on that u dont just go through?

Nope or we just cant find the ID of the object this one what I use are "Ghost" objects (id 3915)


yeah what about in [K4l]Leapord's gm he had snow u coukd walk on? if im correct

No offence, I don't like it
Lol because its like white liquid but I can see you did well on that lol :}
If you make it solid, it would be even better! It is juzst plain white aswell
Why don't you use LC snow XD

i suppose u could put road under it

Belongs in Screenshots and Videos?

And also it's cool but you go too deep in it imo.
Good job though.

In all honesty it looks like you've just opened up Photoshop and deleted parts of the picture.

Hah! ^
You're right there.

Some proof you actually added snow to the map would be fantastic, and that doesn't include a couple of 'shopped pictures.

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