09.12.2008, 07:31
The Sherman Damm Heist
The Sherman Damm heist is about two teams trying to take over the damm.
Each team has two skins and the weapons are:
There are world boundaries but theres enough room to fly
I added a nice blue textdraw saying, Sherman Dam Heist (Note: TextDraw is only in one pic because I added it while i was uploading the files)

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I plan to make textdraws for the teams points , so for every kill someone from a team does it adds +1 to the textdraw. But since there isn't much info on how it will be a while.
Also I plan to make it so each players stats such as kills deaths save to scriptfiles so you can do w/e you want with that info
Bugs/problems: If there is any bugs/probs just reply here and I will try to help.
Mirrors: If you want to mirror go ahead I really don't mind
The Sherman Damm heist is about two teams trying to take over the damm.
Each team has two skins and the weapons are:
- Sniper
- Tec9
- Sawnoff
- Deagle
There are world boundaries but theres enough room to fly
I added a nice blue textdraw saying, Sherman Dam Heist (Note: TextDraw is only in one pic because I added it while i was uploading the files)
- Army
- Terrorists
- /help ~ to see the help list
- /credits ~ to see who contributed to the GM
- /kill ~ remember this will kill you
- /heal ~ Players can buy health at the price of $500
- /armour ~ Players can buy armour at the cost of $1000
- /players ~ Whoever types this can see how many Players have been on the server
- /commands ~ To see a full list of commands
- /tips ~ to see some tips on completing the GM
- (FF)Rezzin
- (LF)Darkwatch (visitor counter)
- (FF)Crysis (I forget what he did but i'll shove him in here)
- And to others who i may have forgotton

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MegaUpload ==Includes .pwn .amz and
Next Version:
I plan to make textdraws for the teams points , so for every kill someone from a team does it adds +1 to the textdraw. But since there isn't much info on how it will be a while.
Also I plan to make it so each players stats such as kills deaths save to scriptfiles so you can do w/e you want with that info
Bugs/problems: If there is any bugs/probs just reply here and I will try to help.
Mirrors: If you want to mirror go ahead I really don't mind