I wanna know how to make the /ame command.

Just like in LSRP, im a new scripter learning pawno, i want to learn how to create a /ame command. If there's any links or tutorials done about it please post below, or just explain if you're not lazy enough :P. I'll definetly rep you, thanks in advance guys!

Have you already gotten familiar with the basics of computer programming? You should also get familiar with PAWN (not pawno) by reading the official PAWN documentation here.

Once you have gotten familiar with PAWN, you can then start to work with the SA-MP API documentation which is available here.

Yes i have looked into the sa-mp wiki tutorials etc, but the PAWN documentation never saw it, i'll read it for now, but yeah i can script things such as /me and /do. Thanks for the tips!

So anyone any tutorials/guides/scripts?

I've seen this thread title a trillion times. Just what exactly is /ame supposed to do?

It's like a /me command, /me [action] , im looking for /ame, the difference is that /me comes up in the chat, /ame comes up on top of the head and not the chat, in other words it doesn't spam the chat. If you know any tutorial/guide based on this i'd rep you if you share it for me. Thanks. EDIT: And for the guy that wrote the /ame command it comes up in the chat: "* > Tremaine Young bends over. But for the rest who are around Tremaine, they'd see the action on his head, where the name is.

can u explain this /ame well

Isn't the upper comment enough?

My goodness, this is easy. You just gotta look at the samp natives. SetPlayerChatBubble to be exact.

Give this a shot.
pawn Код:
#define     COLOR_PURPLE            0xC2A2DAAA // the famous purple color add this at the top
#define     ME_TIME                 (4)        // change the number to however many seconds you want the text to display
                                                    // add it on top of your script as well.
CMD:ame(playerid, params[])
        action[80], // the string for the action
        string[128] // the string to set on player's head
    if(isnull(params)) // if they didn't type an action
        // then it sends the message below.
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "USAGE: /ame [action]");
        return 1;
    format(string, 128, "* %s", action); // format the string on the player's head
    SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid, string, COLOR_PURPLE, 10.0, ME_TIME*1000);
    return 1;

Originally Posted by VincentDunn
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My goodness, this is easy. You just gotta look at the samp natives. SetPlayerChatBubble to be exact.

Give this a shot.
pawn Код:
#define     COLOR_PURPLE            0xC2A2DAAA // the famous purple color add this at the top
#define     ME_TIME                 (4)        // change the number to however many seconds you want the text to display
                                                    // add it on top of your script as well.
CMD:ame(playerid, params[])
        action[80], // the string for the action
        string[128] // the string to set on player's head
    if(isnull(params)) // if they didn't type an action
        // then it sends the message below.
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "USAGE: /ame [action]");
        return 1;
    format(string, 128, "* %s", action); // format the string on the player's head
    SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid, string, COLOR_PURPLE, 10.0, ME_TIME*1000);
    return 1;
That's the one! Thanks!!

(22402) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "ame" is what i receive as a warning, it's all alright?

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